Few Suggestions

Just what it sounds like, post any suggestions you have for LinkSpun inside here.

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Few Suggestions

Post by freefunlinks »


1) Site details in Link To & Link From i.e.

LINK TO : site.com | PR | alexa | already linked to other site in account check with mouseover | same IP linked check |

LINK FROM : site.com | PR | alexa | already linked to other site in account check with mouseover | same IP linked check |


2) Domain Push : in case I sell site and user want to get site moved to his own account

3) Counter Link offer option : If user ask me on http://www.linkspun.com/trades_setup.php to have some of my high pr or wrong niche site as trade ... i can select from dropdown list of my domains a counter relevant offer for him ... now what happen is when we press deny .. it shows that user is not interested BUT in actual its incomplete

4) option to reduce stacked sites : not sure how to remove extra sites BUT ive tradeed with 1 guy & till date i got 9 sites as selected BUT only trading with 2-3 of it & status is always as not found as whole

ADMIN see that URL: http://www.linkspun.com/trade_view.php?tradeID=1962

5) More filter options : http://www.linkspun.com/trades_search.php

like in case i want to have site name fetish with pr3-pr8 sites + from all users + with uniq IP only + last logged in last 1 day + with no more then 30 out links + no less then 100 links etc.... u already got that options in mysql just have to make 1 more advanced search page & add that all :)

6) Mark different colour for sites with IP Like :

>> 1 Uniq IP : Green
>> Not Uniq IP i.e. multiple sites : black
>> Already trading with IP of this domain with some other domain name : red & name of site on mouseover

These will surely bring more relevant trades :)

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Re: Few Suggestions

Post by jdoughs »

freefunlinks wrote:Hi

1) Site details in Link To & Link From i.e.

LINK TO : site.com | PR | alexa | already linked to other site in account check with mouseover | same IP linked check |

LINK FROM : site.com | PR | alexa | already linked to other site in account check with mouseover | same IP linked check |


2) Domain Push : in case I sell site and user want to get site moved to his own account

3) Counter Link offer option : If user ask me on http://www.linkspun.com/trades_setup.php to have some of my high pr or wrong niche site as trade ... i can select from dropdown list of my domains a counter relevant offer for him ... now what happen is when we press deny .. it shows that user is not interested BUT in actual its incomplete

4) option to reduce stacked sites : not sure how to remove extra sites BUT ive tradeed with 1 guy & till date i got 9 sites as selected BUT only trading with 2-3 of it & status is always as not found as whole

ADMIN see that URL: http://www.linkspun.com/trade_view.php?tradeID=1962

5) More filter options : http://www.linkspun.com/trades_search.php

like in case i want to have site name fetish with pr3-pr8 sites + from all users + with uniq IP only + last logged in last 1 day + with no more then 30 out links + no less then 100 links etc.... u already got that options in mysql just have to make 1 more advanced search page & add that all :)

6) Mark different colour for sites with IP Like :

>> 1 Uniq IP : Green
>> Not Uniq IP i.e. multiple sites : black
>> Already trading with IP of this domain with some other domain name : red & name of site on mouseover

These will surely bring more relevant trades :)

Hey, great suggestions and I'll try to answer each with my initial thoughts on them. Thanks for posting them.

1. I do like it, but we need to actually start collecting and updating Alexa info first, and the IP check would be decent as well, but is something that would need to be programmed and tested.

2. Domain push won't be anything that a user will ever be able to do, it's just not safe or practical to allow a normal user to do dozens/hundreds of trades and then push that domain out of their account. I've done switches on here for people and will do so in the future, at least there is some control and accountability this way.

3. Good idea but right now if you get a request you would like changed you just comment to the person and tell them what you want. It's the main reason we have comments on the trades to begin with, to aid in finding the right trade for both users.

4. That trade shouldn't have ever been agreed to, the easiest thing would be just ask me to fix it, the other user has been asking you in comments to pick 2 and looks like she finally picked 2 for you. If you just comment on it that you are ok with it, I will remove the other domains so it goes live.

Again about security, being able to simple add and remove domains from trades would be a logistics nightmare and the site would quickly crumble to shit in quality and people ripping off others by setting up trades, and then editing the details into their favor (or simply dumping 4-5 links at a time from stacks by deletion).

At Active, when that trade has been agreed to by both parties, neither should be able to edit it without the help of an admin, and I've been editing them as per requested, if I get both users to comment on the trade in question that they accept the proposed changes, I do them as soon as I see them (just notify me via PM the tradeID).

5. Extra and more advanced filters are coming out, some were just added amongst the other updates done, you'll see it get quite a bit more advanced over the next few months, remember the system is only 6 months old :) Oh yeah, and it's certainly a lot more involved then 'u already got that options in mysql just have to make 1 more advanced search page & add that all' Drocd would cry if he read that..hah

6. I love this idea!
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Re: Few Suggestions

Post by freefunlinks »

thanks for reply...

i love ur site ... its worth spending time on ur site :)

7) do add premimum listing feature in it .. so that users can buy that spot for some cheap price & on every search this site will be in top search results & as highligted etc..
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Re: Few Suggestions

Post by Relentless »

#6 = GREAT idea. Please add!