My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Looking to push links to a site and want specific niches, site types, numbers, tld's etc, this is a good place to ask or look.

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My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by sebas085 »

My only beef with LinkSpun has nothing to do with the program itself but, with SOME users. I understand that many of you have over 100 sites listed for trades on here which means you could easily have 100 requests a day but, it bugs me when I have a trade request sitting there for over a couple of weeks and no reply.

I check to see if the user has logged in and they have but, they've decided not to accept or deny my trade, they just leave it sitting in limbo.

The reason it bugs me so much is because I try to grab certain anchor tags at certain times and if you have my trade request just sitting there that means I can't really go for that term with too many other trades because eventually it could lead to me getting 10 trades in a row with a "big ass porn" or "pornstar name".

Anyway, just figured I'd throw that out there. Anyone else have a problem with something like this or am I just being a whiner?
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Re: My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by tonyparra »

Understandable i dont consider that whining at all. In my case i do get so many trade request sometimes that it takes me a while to process them considering that i have alot going on offline. I think alot of guys are not working online fulltime anymore. I usually give 2 weeks either way.
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Re: My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by inkognito »

Yeah, I have some trades that are requested by me at 05-17-10. I know that user will never send respond to this trades. But I keep it online to see who don't respond to trade requests and not sending more to him ;-)
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Re: My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by Relentless »

I have hundreds of sites in LS and 0 pending requests at the moment.
All of them have been completed.

Send me some requests ;)
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Re: My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by AmateurFlix »

Most of that can probably be attributed to procrastination or just laziness, however some traders might have their own methods of gaining links and are just waiting for an appropriate time to use the link request, much as you described that you only want certain anchor texts appearing at certain times, a concern which I wouldn't have anticipated.

For example, I've had some people with only 2 or 3 sites ask for trades from over a dozen of my sites, and as I don't want to turn nice ABCD links into mere ABC or worse yet reciprocal trades, I might only do 1 or 2 trades with them and then wait for them to add more sites to their network. Or, if after explaining this to them they continue to ask for yet more trades and "remind" me of the requests, just deny them all and block their messages :)
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Re: My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by Relentless »

Id much rather have a trade request denied than have it just sit idle.
At least if its denied you know what happened with it.
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Re: My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by redwhiteandblue »

I'm afraid I'm guilty of this. I often get requests that I can't immediately see what link back I want for, so I leave them until I can make the decision, or until I've built a new site that needs some backlinks.
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Re: My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by Hincapie »

I must admit I couldnt care less if people leave requests for a while - there can be many perfectly good reasons to ... I only get annoyed if the delay is applied AFTER I have added the links my end.
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Re: My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by jaxinvt »

Sometimes I may have a site I'm about to bring live that the link would trade would better be suited to. I then PM the requester to wait until I can bring it online. It is never more than a week.

I try to get all trades done every time I log in. If I feel I'm getting too busy in my offline activities, I just don't log in to Linkspun. I can see them stacking up in my email. That way I don't offend anyone by logging in and ignoring them.
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Re: My Only Issue with LinkSpun Users

Post by vrocks »

Think of it like this...

You have siteA and you need links into it. You come here to LinkSpun and you make 15 requests on day 1, then come back 2 days later and make 10 more and then a week later make another 5.

You just asked for 30 links into the site in a relatively short period of time.

But then your linking partners "didn't get around to them" all at once.

A schedule like this occurred:

1 - 4
2 - 3
3 - 2
4 - 3
5 - 0
6 - 1
7 - 1
8 - 2
9 - 4
10 - 2
11 - 1
12 - 0
13 - 0
14 - 1
15 - 1
16 - 2
17 - 0
18 - 0
19 - 0
20 - 1
21 - 0
22 - 0
23 - 0
24 - 2

and so on...

2 months later all links are up, but to the search engines it looked more natural instead of BLASTED.
Did I just do something for you? Consider making a donation to LinkSpun!
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