Link trading newbie, probable stupid question

Looking to push links to a site and want specific niches, site types, numbers, tld's etc, this is a good place to ask or look.

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Link trading newbie, probable stupid question

Post by pornobob »

Hi Everyone,

I'm pretty wet behind the ears when it comes to getting backlinks to my site.

I have managed to add around 30 links over the last few days but when I check my backlinks via various web-based checking tools it isn't showing any results.

Does it take time for backlinks to register or am I doing something wrong?

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Re: Link trading newbie, probable stupid question

Post by kapxxx »

Yes those tools can take a while and in many cases won't show all links.
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Re: Link trading newbie, probable stupid question

Post by vrocks »

Yahoo site explorer will show the most and it also seems to take the longest to reflect new changes. Times can take anywhere from a week to 3 months.

Just know that the engines themselves (Google especially) update their indexes for SEARCH (which is their core service) daily. So even if Google's tool says you don't have backlinks for 2 months, it's search results will confirm that you do in days, and in some cases, even hours.
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