JAckie here from M Sqaured ( leedsfan)

Looking to push links to a site and want specific niches, site types, numbers, tld's etc, this is a good place to ask or look.

Moderators: vrocks, drocd, jdoughs

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Posts: 3
Joined: Sun May 16, 2010 2:32 pm

JAckie here from M Sqaured ( leedsfan)

Post by leedsfan »

HI all,

I want to apologize for the slow response times on my server, it is being fixed as we speak, and you should not worry about your links they are there, we were down for 7 hours, and it's still just getting back up there. But it' happening now.

Thank you to all the Linkspun users who pointed this out, I still have 6 users to go, so if you see this post, you will know that I am getting to your messages.

Thanks and please keep the trades coming in!

http://www.sex2ube.com and others
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