How To Stop Trade?

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How To Stop Trade?

Post by internetmarketer »

when i look at the trade there is not a way to stop trade there any more?
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Re: How To Stop Trade?

Post by CodeR70 »

You can only stop a trade when both links are not longer on the sites. Just talk to you trade partner and both remove the links. Then you can stop the trade (a nice red button will appear in the trade form).
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Re: How To Stop Trade?

Post by dreadlocks »

What about trades that no longer visit linkspun and ignore your emails asking to stop a trade? Once you pull a site offline that dead trade stays in your linkspun profile until the other guy stops it and it makes you look like an irresponsible trader with so many "no link found" glaring out in bright red.

I'm basically screwed as far trading via linkspun until something is done and i'm stuck since I have to rely on the other guy to act responsibly as well.

Setting them to "HIDDEN" doesn't seem to matter (and makes me wonder why the option is there) because the 'hidden' domains/urls still show when someone views your profile, look at mine for example...
go to and request a trade for (this site has been dead since last year).

I sent the following email out as well as posted the text on my profile (or what ever)...
Please remove any and all trades to the following sites:,, and gfwebcam. Sites have been closed.
yet...there they are...dead-ass trades making me look bad. One-way links to dead sites/domains.

Something needs to be done with trades like this. As stated earlier, "I'm basically screwed as far trading via linkspun"
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Re: How To Stop Trade?

Post by CodeR70 »

dreadlocks wrote:Setting them to "HIDDEN" doesn't seem to matter (and makes me wonder why the option is there) because the 'hidden' domains/urls still show when someone views your profile, look at mine for example...
go to and request a trade for (this site has been dead since last year).
I cant because the site is hidden, it's not showing in your profile.
dreadlocks wrote:Something needs to be done with trades like this. As stated earlier, "I'm basically screwed as far trading via linkspun"
True, I did not consider this. But "screwed" is IMHO a bit much because you are the only one that sees these dead trades. I don't see them on your profile. Also, in case the trades will ever be publicly available, always make sure you put in a comment why you dropped the trade (like you already did). I would remove it from your profile message. Again, you mention it there but other users cant see your dead trades.

BTW, you can delete the page from your profile no? I see all these delete crosses behind each page (do not want to push it because I don't know if I can get the page back again).
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Re: How To Stop Trade?

Post by jdoughs »

Basically, the only way you can delete a trade is if BOTH links return Not Found. If a guy/girl could delete a trade after an agreement was made (without the other party knowing), we'd have an epic mess on our hands.

Guys who leave Linkspun, and you drop their trades, that's sort of a pain in the ass, but it doesn't hurt you if someone leaves your link up. Those do NOT count towards your "No more then 20 outstanding links or get locked out" All they really do is give you a free backlink, and show up in your errors.

It wouldn't be right for me to 'delete' those trades as the other user DOES have his links live, your choice to dump his link was your choice. If/when that user logs in, it would be very bad if I/Linkspun had taken the liberty to delete his trades (which he'd no longer have record for).

Since he agreed to them, and still has his link live, it's not really his fault the trade is being taken down.