Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!

Looking to push links to a site and want specific niches, site types, numbers, tld's etc, this is a good place to ask or look.

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Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!

Post by LipshtickLady »

I use LO and run link checker there to check my links. This shows me when my link is lower than position 100.

on some trades my links are consistently moving down down down...

at a certain point a link in position 270 on a non-updated blog PR 0 hurts me vs helping me, at what point do you discontinue a trade when you have moved down and down? or do you?

or do you IM the trader and ask to move up the list?
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Re: Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!

Post by slinkcam »

If your trading with sites that have 100 outbound links, you were really never getting much for it from google anyway. First off that is called a link farm and google laughs at you when its spiders wonder through that bad neighborhood. 2nd, google splits distribution of page rank, so if you are on a pr0, 1, 2 ,3 4 ,5 ect.. with 100 outbound links, you are getting 1/100 of that page rank not the full page rank 0,1,2,3,4,5. Keep in mind, even if the links are no follow, google splits the juice between all the links.

To put it simple you basically need 100 links from sites with a pg rank one that have 100 outbound links to get the same amount of page rank juice you would get from one link that is on a site that has only 1 outbound link.

Take into account there are plenty of page rank zero sites holding the number 1 spot in google for their keywords, so do not get caught up on the value of page rank.

Non updated blogs mean nothing, there are plenty of blogs that have not posted since 2009 still controlling the first page of google for it's keyword, google still likes them, why wouldn't you?

You have to use your own tools, Few if any update their page rank or outbound links.
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Re: Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!

Post by vrocks »

Google's algorithms are a bit more dynamic than your explanations and your concerns give them credit for. There are many pages that have more than 100 links on them that are not link farms. I have dozens of blogs with over 100 links on them and when I create a new site I add it to them and I get #1 - #5 in Google all of the time without even using LinkSpun.

When I see that a link of mine is on an under performing site I let the other guy/gal know I am canceling the trade and why. I am firm about it and most people that trade links with me think of me as either a great trader or a total asshole.

People that like me, usually love me. They feel this way because if they use my advice they do well.

People that don't like me, hate my guts. They feel this way because they are very close minded.

So if somebody isn't adding content and is just adding links... yeah... it is a link farm. If somebody is adding links and has 300 of them it is very possible it is not a link farm. 125 of the links can be out to the same 24 links the blog is writing about. 25 more can be out to ads in the sidebar. The remaining 150 links on a PR3 blog are all just fine. Especially if it is updated and has a decent readership.
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Re: Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!

Post by seccosoft »

I'm curious to know what software are you using to check the position of your links. The "real" position of a link in a page is not so easy to determinate. Stuff that is at the end of the html file can be at the top of the page because of the use of tables...

Image a very simple html page with a two column table.

Left column contains a list of 200 links.
Right column contains one link

The link in the right side of the page will be at the end of the html file (position 201) but will be at the very top of the page... in real pages things are much more complicate...

Guys, do not TRY to guess what is good and what is not good for seo purpose, especially if you don't have a good background of programming experience. I've been writing software for almost 30 years. I can try to guess what google DOES NOT do (like in this case), but believe me, the real algorithms are more than a military secret and most of the things you read around about seo are just extremely ingenuos considerations. Actually there are already beta versions which include the use of AI to (well, to try to) learn what a human being may like or not...
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Re: Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!

Post by sabyc200 »

I think it best to use the advice the Google guys gave us "write and do stuff for the user and everything will be ok" . Instead of trying to guess what Google likes or not and waste some time, it would be better to try to really do something that will usually make the surfer interested in.. Just my opinion!
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Re: Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!

Post by LipshtickLady »

Slinkcam, Vrocks thats for taking the time to post. I use Link organizer and had never paid a ton of attention to position once trade was set up. the title "Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!" is part of the LO report. I did not have this option turned on before, so I wondered on others thoughts.

I am finding it useful to use this part of my LO report to do some checking, though to not just willy-nilly delete trades as i think that would not be useful

Seccosoft - I use Link Organizer to track and post all my trades.
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Re: Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!

Post by mausifotze »


just I saw a site cam content

with terrible seo !!!, top key 33,33%, nothing appears, but the site runs top20
with live sex, ok

what I think is
seo is not all
forgat it

backlinks are the way, that`all to do for traffic and access, do it at linkspun

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Re: Your link is at 226th position. Its bad for SEO!

Post by vrocks »

sabyc200 wrote:I think it best to use the advice the Google guys gave us "write and do stuff for the user and everything will be ok" . Instead of trying to guess what Google likes or not and waste some time, it would be better to try to really do something that will usually make the surfer interested in.. Just my opinion!
This advice has always served me well...

Being a tinkerer I find myself fucking off on tangents more than I should be... Sometimes I find something golden... But, by and large, the most productive use of my time has always been content creation... Just churning out more and more unique content and linking shit up... After a few months I will spend a day culling stuff, but then it is back to making things. I have always made far more money making things than I saved culling things...
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