Text Block Link Exchanges For Increased Semantic Relevancy

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Text Block Link Exchanges For Increased Semantic Relevancy

Post by sexsite69 »

As we all know, having a backlink buried in
a sea of anchor text is not so great.

What if we could trade paragraphs that have our
backlinks in the middle? That way, the anchor text is
nicely tucked in between un-anchored and relevant words.

Example: blah blah blah ANCHOR blah blah blah

This is the type of link that is MOST EFFECTIVE
against the surge of intelligent spiders being

Do you think you could cheat Watson, the Jeopardy
winning supercomputer? AI is reaching new heights
because now computers understand parts of speech and
they can process natural language.

This means it's going to be harder and harder to
rely strictly on link bombs. If you would like to
see this new type of link exchange format available here,
please post a simple reply to my thread.
Perhaps we can beg,
bribe or otherwise convince the excellent coder
who maintains this site for us. We can achieve higher page
rank and SERPS by improving our links! What do you think?
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Re: Text Block Link Exchanges For Increased Semantic Relevan

Post by fetishbank »

Interesting point... On my site all links have a full description like:

[Site name]: [long text description]

Is there something that can be better done in the html to bind the url with the relative text ?

maybe wrapping each link withing a <p> and </p> tag ?
adding a title attribute to the <a> or <p> tag ?

Do you think this kind of optimization will ever help ? Are there other attributes (like title) to add extra information to an element ?

I was also thinking to mark "nofollow" all my sponsors links (and maybe the picture galleries) but again, I'm not really sure it can be of any help... I prefer to leave google free to decide how to rank external sites... I'm interested in knowing your point of view (webmasters, bloggers and gallery makers) about this matter...
Jay de Vos, Webmaster of http://www.fetishbank.net/
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Re: Text Block Link Exchanges For Increased Semantic Relevan

Post by sexsite69 »

The anchor text itself isn't bound to anything but the page. You can create more separation with html elements, however, the text surrounding the anchor is more important when we are dealing with pages that have footers full of pure anchors.

Imagine a page full of pure anchor links like Free Porn, Porn Movies, Porn Videos, etc. The seperator commas will be ignored and each link weighed for it's semantic relevancy. If you've ever wondered WHY your links don't appear when you do this search in google: link:mysite.com , this is why. Google values semantically relevant links. Other engines aren't as smart, but they are getting smarter! So now we have a page with nothing but anchor links. Along comes your link, surrounded by semantically relevant text. Your link is now worth more than all other links on the page.

What is semantically relevant text? Take your keyword (one word at a time) and enter it into Google like this: ~keyword . The links that come up in dark blue are words that Google believes are similar. Use these in natural language format to surround your anchor.

We all know that having all your inbound links with the same anchor text is bad, right? 70% of your inbound links to a page can be the same, for example, "porn videos". The remaining 30% should be either different keywords or variations of the main keyword, for example, "porn movies". You can use the semantic search to find good variations for your anchor text. If you search for ~videos, you'll see "movies" in dark blue.

In addition to this, Google and others create cryptographic hashes for many things such as the entire page. That's how they know when the page has changed. Would Panda and other advanced algorithms use these techniques to determine the similarity of inbound links? Yes, I think so!

SIMPLEST EXPLANATION: Have you ever linked to a website voluntarily just because you wanted to share the link? How would you do it and what would it look like? It's unlikely that you will link to the target page using that page's desired SERPS keywords. In fact, natural links often have ZERO keywords in them. Example: "Click Here". I suspect a lot of natural anchors use the word "here". Keep that in mind when you exchange links! The ability to have our links surrounded by text that is meaningful and relevant will greatly improve the value of these links. Of course, if you use the same text all the time it's not going to be any more effective.

@fetishbank - You are doing a favour to those outbound links by adding descriptive
text in the surroundings of the anchor. :) Also, your pages will have more on-page text which will result in additional organic traffic.

In 2009, Matt Cutts announced that Googlebot would no longer be treating nofollow links the same way to prevent so-called "pagerank sculpting". Using nofollow is not important because search engines ignore it. They follow links anyways, and "pagerank" spills over. Remember, Google has it's own PR algorithm as do all the other engines. I'm using it here as a generic term for "value placed on inbound links". If you are linking to a site you are vouching for it, period.

http://schema.org <---- This where we are headed next boys and girls :)
The ability to trade text blocks would also allow us to use microdata in our exchanges. Yay!
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Re: Text Block Link Exchanges For Increased Semantic Relevan

Post by vrocks »

Currently there are threads here where people get together to exchange links in the manner you are requesting. I don't think Linkspun will have a section for entire paragraphs any time this year, but moving forward it does seem like a good logical step.

Blogrolls will always exist though... In some for or another... And that is what LS was designed to handle.
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