Killing trades

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Killing trades

Post by major48 »

Just letting everyone know I will be killing a lot of trades on some of my domains. I added all those links when I didn't really understand much about SEO and now I have some blogs with almost 200 backlinks. Thats not doing me or you any good some im going to remove about half of the backlinks on some of my sites so if you see the error just remove my link and stop the trade please. Sorry for the inconvenience but this just has to be done
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Re: Killing trades

Post by 3xpreview »

I agree. I'm also thinking about finishing trades which aren't relevant to my niches.

I made an attempt last week to put deep links to my sites from my sites. I put about 10 links to some categories or tags of every of my domains in the footer of my sites. It means about 200 links. I immediately recognize that traffic from Google has dropped a lot. I deleted the links from the footer and the traffic popped back to the original level in 2 days. I checked it with more than 25 sites so I'm pretty sure that the plus 200 links caused the decreasing of the traffic. That's why I'll accept only quality and relevant trade requests in the future.
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Re: Killing trades

Post by major48 »

3xpreview wrote:I agree. I'm also thinking about finishing trades which aren't relevant to my niches.

I made an attempt last week to put deep links to my sites from my sites. I put about 10 links to some categories or tags of every of my domains in the footer of my sites. It means about 200 links. I immediately recognize that traffic from Google has dropped a lot. I deleted the links from the footer and the traffic popped back to the original level in 2 days. I checked it with more than 25 sites so I'm pretty sure that the plus 200 links caused the decreasing of the traffic. That's why I'll accept only quality and relevant trade requests in the future.

Yea I noticed the exact same thing. It like one day I was getting traffic to my blogs and then the next boom I was getting nothing. PR dropped and everything. I hope people don't block me for doing that but they need to understand that those trades were not helping them also when I have 200 backlinks on the same page.
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Re: Killing trades

Post by major48 »

Actually im holding off on this. So disregard for now
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Re: Killing trades

Post by teenslave »

to much outgoing links can drop pages fast deep down.. also i never link from domain a to domain b - when they resides on same server / ip. that can be a reason to get an penalty by google.. i think 30 to 40 outgoing links should be the maximum..
to not comeinto trouble . best regards
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Re: Killing trades

Post by 3xpreview »

I've started to delete non relevant trades from my sites. It isn't useful to keep a lot of links to sexcam and tube sites from special niche sites. Meanwhile I've put some category links here in order to get trades for them and offer much more possibility to find the right trades for everybody.
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Re: Killing trades

Post by major48 »

Ok so today I started looking through old trades and have been removing all of the very uneven stacked trades. They may have been better when I originally requested them but now a lot of them are not. So if your link is removed don't take it personally. Just request another trade from me a we can make a better deal
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Re: Killing trades

Post by major48 »

Now I have people getting mad and blocking me because I stopped a one sided trade. Oh fucking well!
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Re: Killing trades

Post by MBoudet »

Google is actually not that good at determining specific niches for relevance, nor do they really care when it comes to porn. Your real problem is probably a lot of crappy footer or sidebar links rather then deeplinks surrounded by quality unique content (by content I mean human-written relevant text). Linkspun needs a way to differentiate the quality of the link by where it is on the page. That would be an awesome feature.
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Re: Killing trades

Post by major48 »

Well most of the links I removed really needed to be stopped. With some of them I was linking to their site with a PR2 and two PR1's and they were linking back with just a PR0
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Re: Killing trades

Post by 3xpreview »

I removed about 200 trades some monts before because those became total worthless. I deleted all of my trades where I gave PR2 link for a PR0 or something like that. It's not correct that I work continually with my sites and the linkpartner don't update her/his sites and let their PR drop to 0.
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