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Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:29 am
by vrocks

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:05 pm
by Flasher

I have an Problem with this Trade:

the Link ist correct on the site of my Tradepartner but it shows the error: "Incorrect anchor"

Can you tell me, what the Problem is?

Thanks and Greetings

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:54 am
by vrocks
Going on a limb and will say that your partner is using a non-standard keyboard...

Erotik fürs Handy


I will try to put this data into the DB manually...

It worked... on the trade page it will have a funky character because that u with two dots doesn't work well with us English speaking people...

Perhaps this will be one of the first fixes to the site!

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 7:34 am
by Flasher
Thanks a lot for the fast help!


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:41 am
by Flasher

I have the same Problem again on this Trade: tradeID=816025

Can you fix it please?

Thanks a lot!


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:50 pm
by vrocks
Not only did I fix this... But I might have permanently fixed the german characters problem for good...

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:42 pm
by inkognito
Can you take look at this trade too?

tnx, inkognito

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:06 pm
by vrocks
inkognito wrote:Can you take look at this trade too?

tnx, inkognito
First link problem:

Code: Select all

Second link problem:

Trust me... it isn't us anymore... now it is always you, or in the case of hosted sites, them...

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 11:51 am
by dreamchaser
i have problems with a particular website.
its html is valid.
i did the dns checks and get no error,
seems to be everything ok but still the spider does not find the links.
hosted at amerinoc


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:33 pm
by vrocks
dreamchaser wrote:hej,
i have problems with a particular website.
its html is valid.
i did the dns checks and get no error,
seems to be everything ok but still the spider does not find the links.
hosted at amerinoc

Having Amerinoc look into it.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:18 am
by vrocks

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:20 am
by JuStiCe
Hello, a friend of mine with the username Vivian8 has problems with the following link trades:


She can't login in the linkspun forum with her regulary linkspun username and password and the email to [email protected] is undeliverable.

Can you please check this for her?
Thanks a lot.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:36 pm
by vrocks
JuStiCe wrote:Hello, a friend of mine with the username Vivian8 has problems with the following link trades:


She can't login in the linkspun forum with her regulary linkspun username and password and the email to [email protected] is undeliverable.

Can you please check this for her?
Thanks a lot.

I sent her a message on logging into the forum.

765578 This trade is messed up because her site is messed up. Go to her site:

Notice the two jacked up images on the right side? Just below the orange subscribe to our RSS feed?

Check out the code:

Code: Select all

<div class="sidebaradbox">

				<a href=">" target="_new"><img class="ad125" src="<!--" /></a> 
<a href=">" target="_new"><img class="ad125" src="<!--" /></a> 
By placing the comment tags inside the HTML code tags she has broken the page. Our bot is noticing this and is basically stating that in the current way this is written her web site is completely missing the blogroll section that comes after this commented out code. She should have placed the:

Code: Select all

<!-- -->
Outside of the HTML code she is trying to comment out.

Code: Select all

<div class="sidebaradbox">

				<!--  Properly commented out!
<a href="" target="_new"><img class="ad125" src="" /></a> 
<a href="" target="_new"><img class="ad125" src="" /></a>
And this trade: 756343
Is from the same site... So it is having the same problem.

Introduce her to for tutorials on how to write better code.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 2:48 pm
by nytscene
Hello, could you please take a look a this trade Shows "not found", the other WM has checked and knows his link is up, but I'd certainly rather not leave it up as such. BTW, I sent an email to support and it came back as undeliverable. Thanks in advance.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 11:14 am
by unitedfuck
These are showing "not found", but everything is still there:


Hope you can fix it. (Every day more and more errors without any reason)

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 10:02 pm
by vrocks
nytscene wrote:Hello, could you please take a look a this trade Shows "not found", the other WM has checked and knows his link is up, but I'd certainly rather not leave it up as such. BTW, I sent an email to support and it came back as undeliverable. Thanks in advance.
I love it when they fix themselves...

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 12:25 am
by vrocks
unitedfuck wrote:These are showing "not found", but everything is still there:


Hope you can fix it. (Every day more and more errors without any reason)

Try checking them again. It should work. Had to do with how your server encodes the content.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 7:21 pm
by ssPRAZ

Links Not Found , even tho it worked till today, and i didn't change anything, can you please check


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:34 pm
by vrocks
ssPRAZ wrote:949430

Links Not Found , even tho it worked till today, and i didn't change anything, can you please check

The fix for the one before you broke yours... Now they are both OK... Lets see what this fix broke for somebody else ;)

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:09 pm
by boltblue
I have 3 setup trades that will not go through to active even though I have put the links up:


Also I had a trade dropped because the link could not be found, even though I have 6 other Linkspun trades on that site that are working fine:


Thanks for the help, and thanks for Linkspun. It has helped my sites out immensely.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:22 pm
by vrocks

Have you clicked the Check Links button on these trades so that LinkSpun knows the links are ready?

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:26 pm
by vrocks
vrocks wrote:1061850

Have you clicked the Check Links button on these trades so that LinkSpun knows the links are ready?
It says right on this page:
Action Center - This trade has been accepted by both parties. Please place your links now then check them using the button below.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:18 pm
by boltblue
vrocks wrote:
vrocks wrote:1061850

Have you clicked the Check Links button on these trades so that LinkSpun knows the links are ready?
It says right on this page:
Action Center - This trade has been accepted by both parties. Please place your links now then check them using the button below.
I understand the button needs to be clicked... Yes, those links have been placed and I have clicked the "check links" button many times, but the link still is not found.
Here are the trades again:

The links are on those pages. Not only that, if you view the source page you can see that they are there. I checked the closing tags for those links and I see nothing out of the ordinary. But the Linkspun bot is not finding those links.

As for the trade that was cancelled by the other web master (1055353), I should have brought that trade to your attention before it came to that, I admit. But I got frustrated because I have 6 other links on that webpage from Linkspun that show up fine. So I told the other web master that I was taking that website off of Linkspun (hiding it) because of this bug (his link not being found), and he cancelled the trade. Can't blame him for that.

Hope that explanation helps, because I have hidden those sites that have "link not found" errors on them. And I would like to put those sites back up for trades.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:37 pm
by vrocks
boltblue wrote:
vrocks wrote:
vrocks wrote:1061850

Have you clicked the Check Links button on these trades so that LinkSpun knows the links are ready?
It says right on this page:
Action Center - This trade has been accepted by both parties. Please place your links now then check them using the button below.
I understand the button needs to be clicked... Yes, those links have been placed and I have clicked the "check links" button many times, but the link still is not found.
Here are the trades again:

The links are on those pages. Not only that, if you view the source page you can see that they are there. I checked the closing tags for those links and I see nothing out of the ordinary. But the Linkspun bot is not finding those links.

As for the trade that was cancelled by the other web master (1055353), I should have brought that trade to your attention before it came to that, I admit. But I got frustrated because I have 6 other links on that webpage from Linkspun that show up fine. So I told the other web master that I was taking that website off of Linkspun (hiding it) because of this bug (his link not being found), and he cancelled the trade. Can't blame him for that.

Hope that explanation helps, because I have hidden those sites that have "link not found" errors on them. And I would like to put those sites back up for trades.
What you have:

Code: Select all

<a href="" target="_blank">Cam Girls</a>
What your linking partner wanted:

Code: Select all

<a href="">Cam Girls</a>
I highly suggest using the Copy HTML button, Copy link button, Copy Anchor button, etc... That way you get exactly what they asked you for.

99.99% of the time it is not a LinkSpun bug. It is you or your partner not entering what was asked for. Maybe two spaces where entered instead of one. Maybe they asked for no trailing slash and you put one. Maybe your banner or link above the intended link doesn't have a closing tag.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:03 pm
by boltblue
vrocks wrote:What you have:

Code: Select all

<a href="" target="_blank">Cam Girls</a>
What your linking partner wanted:

Code: Select all

<a href="">Cam Girls</a>
I highly suggest using the Copy HTML button, Copy link button, Copy Anchor button, etc... That way you get exactly what they asked you for.

99.99% of the time it is not a LinkSpun bug. It is you or your partner not entering what was asked for. Maybe two spaces where entered instead of one. Maybe they asked for no trailing slash and you put one. Maybe your banner or link above the intended link doesn't have a closing tag.
OK, so now I understand the trailing slash does matter. I don't think the target="_blank" matters though because I put target="_blank" on all of my links and they are all OK. I will add the trailing slash and hopefully that will clear the errors. Thanks for pointing me in this direction, appreciate the effort.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:05 pm
by vrocks
boltblue wrote:
vrocks wrote:What you have:

Code: Select all

<a href="" target="_blank">Cam Girls</a>
What your linking partner wanted:

Code: Select all

<a href="">Cam Girls</a>
I highly suggest using the Copy HTML button, Copy link button, Copy Anchor button, etc... That way you get exactly what they asked you for.

99.99% of the time it is not a LinkSpun bug. It is you or your partner not entering what was asked for. Maybe two spaces where entered instead of one. Maybe they asked for no trailing slash and you put one. Maybe your banner or link above the intended link doesn't have a closing tag.
OK, so now I understand the trailing slash does matter. I don't think the target="_blank" matters though because I put target="_blank" on all of my links and they are all OK. I will add the trailing slash and hopefully that will clear the errors. Thanks for pointing me in this direction, appreciate the effort.
Just copy and paste the link! Notice his doesn't have www. in it either... just gotta slow down and read...

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:12 pm
by boltblue
Geez, that what it is! It's the www - how could I miss that? Thanks for pointing that out, I will now go beat my head on the wall for an hour. :oops:

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:52 pm
by levdrules

All these trades have problems, all the links are up but show as down.
Running the trades for a while now before i never had these problems.


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:29 pm
by levdrules
isnt it strange that i have several sites on the same server with the same hoster that just one site is giving me the "link not found" issue? If the linkspun bot is filtered by the firewall i guess all site should give me the error ?


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:47 pm
by vrocks
I am not sure why your problem existed... But it seems to have disappeared.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:04 pm
by tadpole
Hi I have 2 trades that are up, but linkspun is not seeing them.

tradeID 1221861
tradeID 233636

Both of them are on the same one page in a 10 page site. If I click on my link via linkspun it comes up as a blank pink page, yet from my browser it works.


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:27 pm
by vrocks
Where to begin... ;)

Frontpage? Wow... Haven't seen anybody use that in a long time...

Anyway... Try moving the analytics code to just before the </body> tag at the bottom of the page. This often happens when it is at the top.

On the first one... Are you sure you didn't mean to put that here:

milf_strips <-- PLURAL!

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:37 pm
by tadpole
:oops: :lol: Yes, you made me blush over my old Frontpage! Many thanks for spotting the mistake, the problem is now fixed and the trades are active!

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:06 pm
by webdanger

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:00 pm
by webdanger
It was a missing a tag in the sidebar :)

Working now.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:28 am
by chatvideo

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:04 am
by vrocks
I put in a support request to Amerinoc to see if they can tell me why our bot cannot connect to your website.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:35 pm
by angelamerkel
Can you take look at this trade?
Thank you :D

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:41 am
by vrocks
angelamerkel wrote:Can you take look at this trade?
Thank you :D
Your problem is the first link out on the square Asian girl picture to is never closed.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:30 pm
by angelamerkel
Ok, sometimes the Loading Time of affaire ist very long. But this cannot be the Reason, because the other Links have no Link errors. The Neighbour Link of this is also by Linkspun and have no error.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:56 pm
by vrocks
Apparently something got lost in translation.

You are missing the </a> tag before the last </td> tag

Code: Select all

<td class="style46" style="width: 130px; height: 130px">
				<a rel="nofollow" href="">
				<img border="0" src="" width="130" height="130"></td>
It should look like this:

Code: Select all

<td class="style46" style="width: 130px; height: 130px">
				<a rel="nofollow" href="">
				<img border="0" src="" width="130" height="130"></a></td>

And you are right. It shouldn't matter how long it takes for affair to load... Linkspun's bot doesn't download images so it only cares about the HTML. Your HTML is not correct.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:46 pm
by redbusiness

can you please look why the trade 1933339 is not working, altough the link is placed right.

Thank you!


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:55 am
by vrocks
redbusiness wrote:Hi

can you please look why the trade 1933339 is not working, altough the link is placed right.

Thank you!


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:32 am
by redbusiness

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:13 am
by sittingduck
Please could you check these 2 trades as links are up and have cleared my cache but its still not working. Thanks!


Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:35 pm
by hidanAkatsuki
not detecting the already added link

removed all caches and still not working

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:40 am
by vrocks
hidanAkatsuki wrote:not detecting the already added link

removed all caches and still not working
Their link is nowhere on your site.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 7:16 pm
by thekinkylist
Trade # 2149435

Cleared the cache, cleared cloudflare, checked firewall rules.

All clear and still marked as not found

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:25 pm
by vrocks
thekinkylist wrote:Trade # 2149435

Cleared the cache, cleared cloudflare, checked firewall rules.

All clear and still marked as not found
Seems you figured it out.

Re: Link Not found but it's been added, troubleshooting tips

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:44 am
by wolfduque225
Hi im facing this issue too... i sent a message to [email protected]

I have many trades that are showing not found even when the link is up.

This is happening with almost all the active trades. Except few ones, that i know i have modified the url (for SEO improvements) and it show "not found".......... But the others active trades are showing NOT FOUND anyway witch the backlink up, without url changed.

Please check the trades from my account, if i click on "check links!" they change to "not found".