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User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is lost

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:01 am
by 123anddone
beware and check trades if you have stacked with user Hincapie he will stop stacked trade if one of 2 or 3 or whatever links is lost without any telling you to add or to fix it, cheating you to get other links free.

take a look at trades that are stopped by other users they might do this kind of thing because linkspun allows to stop stacked trade if one link is gone.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:31 am
by Hincapie
I do indeed stop a stacked trade if one or more links disappears without notice, warning or obvious cause ... I find it hard to believe most people wouldnt.

..Youre notified inhere that a link is missing when you drop the link in the first place, when I react by stopping the trade you get notified by email ... surely that should be enough for you to notice ?

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:40 pm
by greenguy
123anddone - how is it the other ends fault when the problem started with YOU removing link(s) on established trades

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:08 pm
by vrocks
Hmm... I just got a free link on my test case!


Going to look into this more...

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:08 am
by 123anddone
i have 6000+ active trades, and you think that I'm fiscally able to look threw all and to find exactly your trades, because you are sausage and crying because one link is gone? if you are able to do that good for you.

if you do tell people that you drop link and stop trade, OK, i don't tell because i don't stop trade.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:36 am
by Hincapie
Hmmm. Its getting a little strange. Theres no crying, just a couple of stopped trades - as a consequence of you dropping links on various sites. Youre saying thats fine if youre notified, well you are by email - so what is the actual problem? The only one not giving notification was yourself when dropping the links - if thats because you couldnt find them as you suggest, that groovy, but obviously then the trade will be stopped.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:27 pm
by greenguy
Hincapie - just stop! It's obviously your fault that 123anddone has 6000+ link trades! It's almost impossible to keep up with that many trades - especially when you're notified of a bad trade or missing link by the Linkspun script!

123anddone is obviously a VERY busy man & you're just slowing him down with your petty gripes! Get over it already!


Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:18 pm
by CodeR70
123anddone wrote:beware and check trades if you have stacked with user Hincapie he will stop stacked trade if one of 2 or 3 or whatever links is lost without any telling you to add or to fix it, cheating you to get other links free.
I would do the same. If you agree on a stacked trade and one is dropped then yes… the deal is of and the trade is dropped. That's how it works in my book. I dont understand why you try to make your partner to be at fault when you dropped a link without telling???

Anyway, just drop the trade and move on. I know for a fact that Hincapie is not a bad trade partner. In fact he's very loyal with his trades.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:45 pm
by 3xpreview
CodeR70 wrote: I would do the same. If you agree on a stacked trade and one is dropped then yes… the deal is of and the trade is dropped. That's how it works in my book. I dont understand why you try to make your partner to be at fault when you dropped a link without telling???

Anyway, just drop the trade and move on. I know for a fact that Hincapie is not a bad trade partner. In fact he's very loyal with his trades.
So would I. I first notice the partner to re-fix the link then (after a week without reply) I drop the trade.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:41 pm
by fetishbank
There are people who work on quantity and there are people who work on quality !

I don't do many stacked trades, but I think I would be also dropping the trade if a link disappears and it is not restored within a reasonable time.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:58 am
by vrocks
One thing that has always made me wonder is how someone can have 100 sites in error status and never notice the (100) next to the error link in the menu.

I will tell someone about a bad link after a week or so... Then they respond with, oh my, I didn't notice. And I notice they logged in twice a day for the entire week and "didn't notice" the bad links they have...

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:04 am
by 123anddone
i my self have 1 trade that my link is missing, and have hundred and more links that other users have removed, or domain expired or server down many reasons of link error, and this kind of users and all those that told how they deal with stacked trades will be remembered when trading with them. I'm kind trader and i keep trades live as long as possible, but when users like : Hincapie CodeR70 3xpreview who don't even bother waiting day or two for other part to fix that and drops trades and keeps other links for free.

ok Hincapie your explanation is cool, when you have 1000+trades, think if you would have 6000+ and wordpress plugin after update don't show widgets in your sidebars with links, and all users like you drops trades ? how would you like about that ? example 300 trades dropped by users like you and they don't give you even day to fix that ?

I'm not going to look threw all active trades to find all trades that are made within that domain to write comments on hundreds of trades "sorry server problems will fix soon" when there are few users that have server problems half year and are active every day.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:33 am
by 3xpreview
123anddone wrote:...when users like : Hincapie CodeR70 3xpreview who don't even bother waiting day or two for other part to fix that...
No, I always wait about a week and notice the other part and I drop the trade after if I don't get reply but the partner was logged in and didn't pay attention for fixing the problem.
We don't have any problem with each other but I'm tired of useless working with some other webmasters. Of course everyone can have hosting or any other kind of problems and we have to be a little bit patient about it.

Sorry if I make some mistake but my mother language isn't english. Maybe you can understand me :)

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:46 am
by anexsia
123anddone wrote:i my self have 1 trade that my link is missing, and have hundred and more links that other users have removed, or domain expired or server down many reasons of link error, and this kind of users and all those that told how they deal with stacked trades will be remembered when trading with them. I'm kind trader and i keep trades live as long as possible, but when users like : Hincapie CodeR70 3xpreview who don't even bother waiting day or two for other part to fix that and drops trades and keeps other links for free.

ok Hincapie your explanation is cool, when you have 1000+trades, think if you would have 6000+ and wordpress plugin after update don't show widgets in your sidebars with links, and all users like you drops trades ? how would you like about that ? example 300 trades dropped by users like you and they don't give you even day to fix that ?

I'm not going to look threw all active trades to find all trades that are made within that domain to write comments on hundreds of trades "sorry server problems will fix soon" when there are few users that have server problems half year and are active every day.
Well I agree on the WP widget part...I've had that a few times when I update a theme and somehow the widget was lost which sucks.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:48 am
by anexsia
3xpreview wrote:
123anddone wrote:...when users like : Hincapie CodeR70 3xpreview who don't even bother waiting day or two for other part to fix that...
No, I always wait about a week and notice the other part and I drop the trade after if I don't get reply but the partner was logged in and didn't pay attention for fixing the problem.
We don't have any problem with each other but I'm tired of useless working with some other webmasters. Of course everyone can have hosting or any other kind of problems and we have to be a little bit patient about it.

Sorry if I make some mistake but my mother language isn't english. Maybe you can understand me :)
That's what I do, I usually wait a week or if the domain is parked/expired then I drop it within a day or two.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:20 pm
by HowlingWulf
7 days if missing recip and no msg but parked domain is a quick drop.

If you're having server problems just write something in your profile message hopefully people will read it first.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:46 pm
by Hincapie
I clean out dead links every week or two, depending how busy things are - whatever looks like it isnt coming back at that time I kill ...

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:06 am
by anexsia
Man I've been having to deal with some trades where it's an error and the link so NOWHERE to be found on their site and then they don't respond to messages but they log on? :(

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:29 pm
by greenguy
anexsia - get used to it :( The common practice around here with the legit webmasters is to send them a message about the broken link trade & if they don't reply within a week, remove your link(s) to them & stop the trade.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:07 pm
by rezzanjin
Some of you are really kind *gg*
I check for Linkerrors every two/three days. LS Problem? If yes, who cares. If link is gone, writing message and also for every other shit a Link Error gets a message (Website seems down, Link is gone, SQL Error and whatever appears) on the next day i kill the trade mostly (if i didn't forget to check *gg*) directly, latest if somebody was already online and had the chance to reply. Where is the Problem in a Copy & Paste text like "I'll fix it." I don't care when, i just like to know that something will happen.
Waiting a week without reply? No way. (Only if Profile says like "I changed server, several error will occur the next time")

Stack Trade, normal Trade .. no difference, everybody who delete a link without noticing or reply don't like the link trade anymore.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:44 am
by jaxinvt
I find that Hincapie is very loyal with his links. I park some domains with hostedtube because I can move links along with them. But I also found that LS bot sometimes reads the link on a hostedtube site as down when it is actually still there. Resending the spider usually solves my problem.

Re: User Hincapie stops stacked trades if only one link is l

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:20 am
by vrocks
That is because hosted tube is really crapping hosting... So tons of packets get lost... But hey, it is free right?