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SEO, Google, social media and me...

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 8:51 am
by Tabarnak69
I've decided to post this in here because there really isn't a section available for a "conflict of morals".

It's 2012 and we all know the garbage that goes on the Internet with Big Brother, etc. Right or wrong, terrorist or nothing to hide. I find myself questioning both my personal and business involvement with the Internet. Now it sounds strange to say that I have morals considering how I earn a living. But I could argue that I'm *immoral* and not amoral(1). Freedom of expression is at the heart of porn and so is the ability to for adults to use their genitals and enjoy their bodies as they see fit, either alone or in the company of other consenting adults.

Censorship and surveillance is literally in every single corner of the Internet. You have to understand it's not just gouvernements doing it but also private companies, religious organisations, political agenda groups and even the "online-24/7-geeks" that protested against SOPA enforce censorship in their forums. (Hell, the pirate-asshole-bay's official forum imposes some of strictest censorship on the net(2). )

When I see things like the *convenient* 404 errors on news stories... User commentary with "This comment is hidden due to low rating" plus reader comments that are obviously written by Internet marketing firms then add to this garbage situations like the fact that the NSA is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center ... nter/all/1 ... And my blood just boils and I have to fight back the urge to vomit.

All in all I find it hard trying to intergrate with search engines like Google and social media sites like Facebook ( ... y-machine/). So I'm questioning if there isn't a better way? Perhaps some of us can organise some sort of resource in which we can do away with Big Brother sites.

Oh well.. it's just and idea and I just wanted to vent. (I'll go back now to studying apache server)

1. Amoral - adjective
a.not involving questions of right or wrong; without moral quality; neither moral nor immoral.
b.having no moral standards, restraints, or principles; unaware of or indifferent to questions of right or wrong: a completely amoral person.

2. I do NOT pirate anything at all... I'm just keeping an eye on the pirate venus to see if my product is there and to learn about them.