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Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:54 pm
by 123anddone
you read topic, tell me, some guys asked to do manual trades instead of linkspun, because some unknown forces told that Google is checking linkspun.

tell us if you know more

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:07 pm
by Tabarnak69
Google lies so even if they say they are NOT watching linkspun.. They are.

An example of google's "don't be evil" ethics.

I have a college in Denmark (another photographer/film maker like me) that purchased a lot of google advertising. Everything started off really well but over time he was obligated to purchase more and more and more advertising to make the same amount of money. So he started to investigate the problem and several months later he discouvered that the majority of "traffic" comming from Google was in fact google subsidaries, less know domains, etc.

You have to be careful with some of these big corporations and their ability to use brand marketing. Because when you dig below the surface you tend to find that they're never what they claim to be.

I believe traffic is an important tool in deveoloping contacts but it's become obvious to me that there's a lot more involved to creating a succesful Internet business than just hits.

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:34 pm
by fetishbank
Sure it is... I'm sure vrocks gave them the admin password to access the database of trades... :mrgreen:

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:55 pm
by webmasterx
Personally I don't feel that google is concerned with honest link trading but more with "Paid Links". There are numerous webmaster boards both adult and mainstream just oozing with trade requests of every description known to man, lets face it it's an honest way of growing your link popularity and google knows this.
Buying links on the other hand is seen by google as cheating your way into the rankings so therefore their out to punish both sellers & buyers!

So no i don't think G is watching LS too closely as there are no links for sale here!

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:46 pm
by Tabarnak69
webmasterx wrote:Personally I don't feel that google is concerned with honest link trading but more with "Paid Links". There are numerous webmaster boards both adult and mainstream just oozing with trade requests of every description known to man, lets face it it's an honest way of growing your link popularity and google knows this.
Buying links on the other hand is seen by google as cheating your way into the rankings so therefore their out to punish both sellers & buyers!

So no i don't think G is watching LS too closely as there are no links for sale here!
Personally I would feel a lot better if there was some sort of real alternative to google.

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:43 pm
by webmasterx
Tabarnak69 wrote: Personally I would feel a lot better if there was some sort of real alternative to google.
there are plenty of alternatives to google, do you refer to search or webmaster tools/analytics?

search: lost count of the non google search engines on the net, only problem here is that 90% of the western world is brainwashed into using google!

wmt/analytics: try a majestic seo acount or just using your hosts raw log files, both are capable of giving you info simmilar to wmt & analytics.

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:06 am
by CodeR70
123anddone wrote:you read topic, tell me, some guys asked to do manual trades instead of linkspun, because some unknown forces told that Google is checking linkspun.
Google is checking any form of link trading. It's not so much how a link trade is established, it's more about the links appearing on websites. I mean, I'm pretty sure they have algorithms to spot certain patterns and/or clusters. So with or without LS, Google knows dude. They have the biggest database of backlinks you can find on this earth. ;)

But ask yourself this question… does it matter if Google checks linkspun? If you are afraid about Google figuring us out, then stay away from each other. Dont trade… because they KNOW.

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:43 am
by 123anddone
the main reason of this topic that some dudes afraid to trade at linkspun :D because G may know :D or find out :D

but as for me i don't care, there is no natural way of getting links as Google thinks.

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:13 am
by Tabarnak69
webmasterx wrote:
Tabarnak69 wrote: Personally I would feel a lot better if there was some sort of real alternative to google.
there are plenty of alternatives to google, do you refer to search or webmaster tools/analytics?

search: lost count of the non google search engines on the net, only problem here is that 90% of the western world is brainwashed into using google!

wmt/analytics: try a majestic seo acount or just using your hosts raw log files, both are capable of giving you info simmilar to wmt & analytics.
Bing and Yahoo aren't any better. Than add that most non-google search engines are just using google for their results.

My biggest complaints are

That it should be an opt-in system instead of an opt-out system...

That google should publish a list of all it's domains...

That google should confine it's search engine capabilities to the United States...

That google should be clearly state what it does with our information.

That google stop the crap about 'do no evil'. I'm sure Mussolini, Stalin and George Bush believe they weren't being evil.

Can't someone create a robust porn search engine ?

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:02 am
by StickyGreen
Are any of the pages here listing trades indexed on Google?

Re: Is Google Watching LINKSPUN ???? tell me !

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:11 pm
by vrocks
StickyGreen wrote:Are any of the pages here listing trades indexed on Google?
Of course not...