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Oh Crap - All my site went down

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:32 pm
by alphamonk
My host informed me that I was breaking the terms of service by using more than 500,000 inodes. I looked around and found that my traffic trading script had created over a million logs. I cleaned up on that site.

I went to my other hosting accounts and wrote a script and put it in cron to cleanup trading data older than 30 days. I had a dot in the script and frankly I deleted every file on my system. I am recovering now but if you and I have trades please be patient with me, I am recovering from a catastrophic failure brought on my own hand but still devastating none the less.

I should have everything back up by Saturday morning.

Re: Oh Crap - All my site went down

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:03 am
by alphamonk
All of my sites are back up.

Re: Oh Crap - All my site went down

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:07 am
by alphamonk
If you don't have "On Dropped Send me an e-mail when one of my active trades is dropped by the other party" checked then you are a fool. My sites went because of my stupidity for less than 24hours and many webmasters pulled their links as they are entitled to so I am not complaining about that.

What this post is about is If I didn't have "On Dropped Send me an e-mail when one of my active trades is dropped by the other party" checked I would have never known the trade was over. I would have restored my links and been none the wiser because the trade was cancelled while my sites where down and without actively checking links myself I would not have known the trade was over from my link trades point of view if I had not got the emails.

This is just heads up for those of you who don't like receiving the emails.

Re: Oh Crap - All my site went down

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:50 am
by vrocks
You would then see them in the errors page:

Re: Oh Crap - All my site went down

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:51 am
by alphamonk
The cancelled trades were not in my errors page by the time I got my sites back online and came here.

This is how it all took place. My site went down so my link was not there. When my links went red my quick responding trade partners pulled their links and their links went red too and they cancelled the trades because both links were gone. Once they cancelled the trades the trades were no longer in my errors page.

I came to Linkspun and I had no way of knowing that the trade was over except and this is a big EXCEPT, I had turned on the feature to send me an email when someone cancels a trade. That feature is what saved me from thinking those trades were still in effect.

So I was simply sending out a message to traders who don't have email notifications turned on, alerting them that they need to turn those notifications no because I think they are important.

Re: Oh Crap - All my site went down

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:31 am
by vrocks
Hmm... Will put this into the honey-do list... Some kind of protection from this sort of thing. Not even sure if it would be possible other than for people to have canceled trade emails set by their own preference like it is now.