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Tweeting your site address get's it in google instantly?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:54 am
by major48
Ok here I go showing how much of a noob I am or maybe you guys didn't know this. A few month's ago I remember reading a article that said if you tweet your new site address google will instantly list it. Well I never really got around to it because I really didn't even screw with twitter a lot. Well I bought this new domain and decided to really go all out promoting this thing so I made a facebook page and I made a twitter account. This site is only about a week old and is already listed in google. Yea I was shocked. So maybe this is common knowledge to you guys but I'm still learning and it's definitely a handy little trick.

Re: Tweeting your site address get's it in google instantly?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:06 am
by vrocks
If it is a blog and you posted and it pings.. Google knows you.

As for other sites... If you plug them with your blog and it pings... Google knows you.

Not being in Google is a lot harder than being in Google.