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Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:32 pm
by vrocks
The TOS have been updated to reflect our rules about the faking of Google Pagerank.
11. Faking Pagerank

Members who fake their Google Pagerank score will have those domains banned and may have their entire account banned for life. We do not condone the faking of Pagerank and, in fact, expressly prohibit it. Methods include, but are not limited to spoofing a domain through redirection; hacking a site not owned by you, or otherwise having it done as a service on your behalf, to hide, or otherwise, injected links pointing to your domain; serving content to Googlebot that is different than the content viewed by the normal targeted web surfer.
If you see that your site has been banned and hidden consider it a warning. Do not try to tell me somebody else performed the service without telling you. I will ban you for being a brat. I don't want to hear whining and crying. If your site is a PR5 or PR6 expect me to check it. If it is not hidden it will be banned if you are caught.

If you unhide or re-add a site I have previously banned I will ban you for life.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:20 pm
by seomedia
very good move!!

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:49 am
by jomik12
Wish there was a "LIKE" button on this!

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:21 pm
by webmasterx
jomik12 wrote:Wish there was a "LIKE" button on this!

Nice move Vrocks, thank you for putting the time & effort in to out these PR fakers.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:58 pm
by lauralace
you mean like how lists as PR5? and in fact this dude has a ton of sites pr6 and pr5 that are barely a year or 2 old :/

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:23 pm
by vrocks
lauralace wrote:you mean like how lists as PR5? and in fact this dude has a ton of sites pr6 and pr5 that are barely a year or 2 old :/
Exactly.. Think I banned and hid that domain.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:45 pm
by 3xpreview
Great! If somebody cheats, ban him/her for life!

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:54 pm
by webpimp
Good riddance, bringing fake PR sites into linkspun is nothing but a scam.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:42 pm
by madfish
how did you tell it's fake pr? any website can check?
fuckingpornvideos dot com < valid?

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:58 am
by angelamerkel
How to check the PR 1000% correctly?

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:19 am
by vrocks
Checking what Google sees...
Checking their backlinks for hidden links... , ,

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 4:28 am
by vrocks
madfish wrote:how did you tell it's fake pr? any website can check?
fuckingpornvideos dot com < valid?
The PR is from sites he has purchased that expired. I can't do anything about those. He bought a domain with PR. He adding links into his sites on the domain.

I would not trade with it though...

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:03 am
by fetishbank
jomik12 wrote:Wish there was a "LIKE" button on this!

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:09 pm
by vrocks
Just dropping this into the right thread:

angelamerkel wrote:I cannot find out the real PR from Who can find out?
wrong thread...

But to answer your question....

This is the real PR of the site. It is how it got that PR that you need to watch out for.

It got the PR by hacking into other sites with high PR and putting a link into that site on their index page. The link is hidden using CSS to make it 0 pixels. Google gives the PR, but the relevance of the link is crap. Also when the owner figures out they are hacked they will remove this link and suddenly the side will go from PR6 to PR3 or less. And then having a trade with this person will not make sense...

Pretend they gave you that PR6 and you offered them back:

PR3 + PR2 + PR0 + PR0 + PR0

When they snap back to PR3 you are going to have a very lopsided trade. Also the site has no textual content. So it can't pass much relevance to you. Finally the link is a footer link so it is crap anyway...

Sites this site hacked: PR5 PR4 PR4 PR2 PR5 PR4 PR6 PR2 PR4 PR5 PR5 PR5 PR5 PR6 PR4

The list goes on.. You can create your own full list here:

The exploit used on most of the sites was the zero day that just got patched in Cpanel.

This user has had a lot of PR6 and PR5 sites drop to PR3 to PR0 in the last 2 weeks... Which means his victims are complaining to Google and as Google sees what is going on they are removing the PR juice.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:05 pm
by seomedia
There are now close to 20 webmasters faking pr that are present on linkspun at this time and that are "active traders" and I see them growing even after this warning was sent out. I has become hard to pick out trades, because now you have to check their source as well. Warnings and reports wont work with these scamming motherfuckers, when i find them simply block them.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:25 pm
by vrocks
Report them. The one you did report recently got his fake PR domains turned off.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:30 am
by 3xpreview
I'm pretty sure this guy wants to give backlinks from a fake PR6 site:

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:24 pm
by vrocks
3xpreview wrote:I'm pretty sure this guy wants to give backlinks from a fake PR6 site:
He is an example of what is OK to do. He bought a PR6 domian on the domain drop market. John Doughs used to do this A LOT also. It is a real PR6 domain for all he knows. Personally I would NOT trade links with this person.

1) His domain used to be an American Indian web site and any links into the porn site will be dropped. I have checked for backlinks and the only ones are from LS. Big red flag. A true PR6 domain would have lots of backlinks especially when it was used for over 8 years.

2) Doing a quick backlink check there are none. I would suspect that the person selling the domain to him faked the PR. So he got burned.

But there will be a lot of idiots that will trade with him. He has dozens of active trades with that domain. Many of his trade partners are people I would think would know better. PR doesn't get you SERPs. There are hundreds of thousands of PR6 and PR7 domains that don't match for anything worth money. There are millions upon millions of PR1 domains that rank for $1K a week in cash money.

I use PR as a piece of the pie when I choose linking partners. I look at their domain. I search for clues. Has their PR3 blog been open for years or did it just start? Do they trade with Tom, Dick and Harry webcams partners or do they stick to their niche primarily. I often get requests and they want to give me a PR4 link on a tube that opened in August of this year. Domain was registered in July. Fuck that. I look through their domains and find that they have hand written blogs in good niches and request links from those PR1's instead.

PR can be used for lots of things... When I set up a trade between my PR3 blog and someone else's PR3 blog in 2010 I forget about. Once in a while I go back through my Active Trades and notice his PR3 is now a PR1. Big red flag. I go to it and see the site stopped updating in Feb, 2012 and it is now Dec. He has massive links to crap sites. I will drop that crappy trade. PR helped me notice his blog was in decline.

It can be useful to look at PR. Basing a trade on it alone isn't smart though...

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:08 am
by 3xpreview
Yeah, I think the same. Maybe it is a PR6 site now but probably will lost from its value soon. As you said I also trade with a lower PR but more relevant and continually updated site.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:05 pm
by lauralace
porn sites take eons to get past pr3. Any adult site higher than pr3 needs research done before you trade with it. (For mainstream sites, it's easier to get PR sooner, but still should be researched to avoid crap trades)

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:39 am
by mcfester
lauralace wrote:porn sites take eons to get past pr3. Any adult site higher than pr3 needs research done before you trade with it. (For mainstream sites, it's easier to get PR sooner, but still should be researched to avoid crap trades)
Not always, I had a two month old site jump to PR4 on first update, its still PR2 now with no updates since 2010 :oops:
It was luck really, it got pinned on front page as a featured blog on some high PR blog directories just as PR was updating, didn't do naff all for serps though.

I think PR is just an indication that the site has other sites linking to it, I agree with what others wrote above, a related PR1 with low OBL's is worth more than an unrelated high PR with high OBL's.
But in saying that I think you also need alot of links, whether they be spammy or not, to gain domain authority. Take the tubes for example, for keywords porn, sex, xxx etc you'd think they would need thousands of links with these anchors, but they only have a few hundred. I did some checking on a few and found they have thousands of unrelated generic links, I mean like 300 links on one forum post with anchor "link" or "http//", this gets them thousands of domains and millions of pages linking to them, all unrelated but gaining them domain authority.

Then they target the keywords with highly related sites, generally their own network with well placed sitewide links, giving them a few hundred domains linking in with a few million pages.
Google doesn't see this as spam because they are not spamming the keywords, the keywords are only about 2% of the total referring domains.

Just my take anyway, maybe I'm totally wrong again lol.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:16 pm
by blogstargirl
Google doesn't see this as spam because they are not spamming the keywords, the keywords are only about 2% of the total referring domains.

Yes, this is very true... spamming keywords within anchor text looks like scheming to Google. Lately, I've been mixing up my anchor text keywords like M&M candy colors...

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:47 am
by seomedia
xithew: all his sites have fake PR beware.

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:16 pm
by Hincapie
Noticed being offered a fresh pr6 with 2 inbound links and little content today ... its mainly weeded out by common sense I´d reckon

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:11 am
by vrocks
Whois History: 23 records have been archived since 2010-05-11 .

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 11:39 am
by seomedia
sent you another report on member with 19 fake pr sites

Re: Faking PR changes to the Terms Of Service with Linkspun.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:25 pm
by vrocks
All of his domains are years old. He is buying them from the Godaddy drop auctions.

Whois History: 9 records have been archived since 2012-02-07

When a domain drops the sites like ahrefs and majesticseo drop it from their databases.

This can make an aged, 10 year old domain with a PR of 4 look new without any backlinks when in reality it does have them.

In this case I have modified his domain in such a way I except he will contact me so we can discuss it.