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Members ignoring requests

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:05 pm
by seomedia
Can we have a shitlist of members ignoring incoming requests or something that forces members to accept or deny trades when they pile up to lets say 20, that way if they deny I can place them on block and never see their sites again. I PM people after 2 weeks to please accept or deny and they say "why whats the deal?" JESUS FUCKING CHRIST this is fucking linkspun, what the fuck are you doing here daily if you wont reply to your fucking requests!! The whole fucking concept is based on trades! So please Either a public "DO NOT REQUEST TRADES LIST" or a 20 limit then block, we're already dealing with these fucking turks with German site, not to mention the fucking free sites with nothing being done about it. Please at least with the members ignoring trades do something, LS will die without a clean up.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:26 pm
by seomedia
Or another alternative would to place LS as a paid service starting next month so we can get rid of all the cheap fucking scum.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:07 pm
by 3xpreview
Yeah, I also deleted dozens or even hundreds of requests which were unanswered by the other part. It can make me mad because it's a fucking waste of time and work.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:21 pm
by seomedia
Just to tell you one, I PM'd a member about a few requests that were hanging for over 3 weeks, the member was logging on every day as his sites were always on top, so I asked him to please accept or deny my requests. His reply was "I'll get to them at on my time if you don't like it don't ask for trades" so he takes the time to log on multiple times a day every day but in 3 weeks he cant press a fucking button??????????? These are the individuals that are killing the concept of this service that need to be life banned or placed on a shitlist, that everyone has access to from the homepage.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:08 am
by vrocks
If I was handing out bans... Well... Do I even have to finish that statement?

I see that there are about 400 users with 100+ unanswered trades. That is a lot of users. While most are already hidden do to inactivity there are plenty that are very active and yet have over 1000 trade requests sitting there. They seem to only process trades they wish to go with and never delete requests they don't want to do.

I would propose doing something less drastic than banning people and simply make them and their pages hidden in the search results when over 100 trades unanswered. They will also have a red alert at the top of the page that won't go away until they get below 100. You like?

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:56 am
by 3xpreview
Yes, it would be correct.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:46 pm
by seomedia
vrocks wrote:If I was handing out bans... Well... Do I even have to finish that statement?

I see that there are about 400 users with 100+ unanswered trades. That is a lot of users. While most are already hidden do to inactivity there are plenty that are very active and yet have over 1000 trade requests sitting there. They seem to only process trades they wish to go with and never delete requests they don't want to do.

I would propose doing something less drastic than banning people and simply make them and their pages hidden in the search results when over 100 trades unanswered. They will also have a red alert at the top of the page that won't go away until they get below 100. You like?
100 IMO is still a lot, but without doubt its a very good move if put into action.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:03 pm
by Meloman
I personally don't have the time to login here daily. Linkspun is not my main priority nor should it be forced upon me to become it.

I have over 300 pending trades in my account with most being total shit cause they're spammy splogs.

SEOMedia, I don't appreciate the comments that I'll be banned if I don't go through my trades and approve or deny you fast enough. Sorry if your trades / linkspun aren't the highest thing on my priority list.

With that said, I do feel for those of you that login and do this daily and don't get the fast response you want. When i first tried this I encountered the same thing and is partly why linkspun trading is lowering on my priority list.

If I only have time to login a few times a week, how am I suppose to process trades quickly when over 100 crappy ones pile up instantly?? Clean it up and bingo it's back.

Just my 2 cents.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:13 pm
by seomedia
Meloman wrote:I personally don't have the time to login here daily. Linkspun is not my main priority nor should it be forced upon me to become it.

I have over 300 pending trades in my account with most being total shit cause they're spammy splogs.

SEOMedia, I don't appreciate the comments that I'll be banned if I don't go through my trades and approve or deny you fast enough. Sorry if your trades / linkspun aren't the highest thing on my priority list.

With that said, I do feel for those of you that login and do this daily and don't get the fast response you want. When i first tried this I encountered the same thing and is partly why linkspun trading is lowering on my priority list.

Just my 2 cents.
DON'T FUCKING LIE!!!! this is what was said during our PM of today: With the new rules you will be blocked from using the service, see in forums post. (admin please check) as you clam to have 300 pending trade requests. If LS is on your low priority list then hide your sites or be blocked douchebag! This service is tanking thanks to shit like you!

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:26 pm
by Meloman
SeoMedia, you obviously are immature with anger issues.

I'll gladly remove all your trades now. Please do not submit to me again.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:35 pm
by seomedia
Meloman wrote:SeoMedia, you obviously are immature with anger issues.

I'll gladly remove all your trades now. Please do not submit to me again.
There ya go! LS needs people like this!! You got to love this scum!!
Jesus fucking Christ put this service as paid please ASAP so this shit will leave!

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:41 pm
by Meloman
So I just had a nice back and forth argument with SEOmedia where i'm continuously called a douchebag. and Now he's threatening to remove all my trades from all his clients and friends.

What a great service linkspun is. So basically this guy thing he's the mafia and if I don't stay on top of my trades to his satifaction he's going to have me banned an all my trades droped.

Is this seriously how linkspun is gong to be managed?

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:44 pm
by Meloman
btw, I will gladly PAY to have this service be better. I would assume if it's a paid service there would be a lot less crappy ass sites submitted right. Therefore when I log in I don't have to surf through 100 shits before finding something to approve.

I've been in this biz since 1998 and have a good network of sites to work with. This sucks that I'm attempting to make trades and it's failing and starting a war with the seomeda mafia, lol.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:45 pm
by seomedia
Meloman wrote:So I just had a nice back and forth argument with SEOmedia where i'm continuously called a douchebag. and Now he's threatening to remove all my trades from all his clients and friends.

What a great service linkspun is. So basically this guy thing he's the mafia and if I don't stay on top of my trades to his satifaction he's going to have me banned an all my trades droped.

Is this seriously how linkspun is gong to be managed?
Admin, I sent you the url of the convo please check and you'll see this person is a liar, if i said that i was going to have him "banned and all his trades dropped and tell my friends to drop his links" then ban me! If not please take action against this scumbag.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:47 pm
by Meloman
I just hit deny on all 297 trades pending.

so basically i can't take my time and choose the best submissions. I have to deny all at once cause they pile up way too fast. within 1 week i'm sure it'll be back to 300 gain.

Ya linkspun.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:50 pm
by seomedia
Meloman wrote:I just hit deny on all 297 trades pending.

so basically i can't take my time and choose the best submissions. I have to deny all at once cause they pile up way too fast. within 1 week i'm sure it'll be back to 300 gain.

Ya linkspun.
And according to the new rules you will be blocked till you hit the deny button 300 times again.... cary on!

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:52 pm
by Meloman
seomedia wrote:
Meloman wrote:So I just had a nice back and forth argument with SEOmedia where i'm continuously called a douchebag. and Now he's threatening to remove all my trades from all his clients and friends.

What a great service linkspun is. So basically this guy thing he's the mafia and if I don't stay on top of my trades to his satifaction he's going to have me banned an all my trades droped.

Is this seriously how linkspun is gong to be managed?
Admin, I sent you the url of the convo please check and you'll see this person is a liar, if i said that i was going to have him "banned and all his trades dropped and tell my friends to drop his links" then ban me! If not please take action against this scumbag.
Dude, you're the liar. I have the same inbox. Seriously WTF is you're problem. Must really suck that linkspun is such a huge part of your life. I've only explained 10 different ways that I'm not some fly by not and in fact a REAL webmaster having issues properly using this service.

You'd catch more flies with honey that being an assholike like yourself. Maybe offering me friendly advice would have done you better. Now I think you're a complete asshole and won't trade with you again. Which sucks for us both cause since it hurts our business...and over what? the fact I don't login to linkspun enough. lol

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:54 pm
by seomedia
Meloman wrote:
seomedia wrote:
Meloman wrote:So I just had a nice back and forth argument with SEOmedia where i'm continuously called a douchebag. and Now he's threatening to remove all my trades from all his clients and friends.

What a great service linkspun is. So basically this guy thing he's the mafia and if I don't stay on top of my trades to his satifaction he's going to have me banned an all my trades droped.

Is this seriously how linkspun is gong to be managed?
Admin, I sent you the url of the convo please check and you'll see this person is a liar, if i said that i was going to have him "banned and all his trades dropped and tell my friends to drop his links" then ban me! If not please take action against this scumbag.
Dude, you're the liar. I have the same inbox. Seriously WTF is you're problem. Must really suck that linkspun is such a huge part of your life. I've only explained 10 different ways that I'm not some fly by not and in fact a REAL webmaster having issues properly using this service.

You'd catch more flies with honey that being an assholike like yourself. Maybe offering me friendly advice would have done you better. Now I think you're a complete asshole and won't trade with you again. Which sucks for us both cause since it hurts our business...and over what? the fact I don't login to linkspun enough. lol
You said you were removing all our trades, here in the forum and in PM, so what are you doing here wasting time, go and remove them or don't you have time to do what you said you were? Seriously don't try to get out of this your a liar and you cant delete what you said in PM and for this you should be banned. LIAR!

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:56 am
by Meloman
See other thread.

All links removed.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:41 pm
by vrocks

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:54 pm
by seomedia
vrocks wrote:Image

Vrocks, I sent you an email regarding something not related to this, was sent yesterday evening to your gmail account.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:07 pm
by xatrid
1. Why not just make requests expire? I think 10 days is enough (or 10 from first login).
2. You can use counter of expires for user ratings.
3. It would be good if we could get list of all requests ever requested.
So far if request is denied it just disappear from the list.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:41 pm
by vrocks
xatrid wrote:1. Why not just make requests expire? I think 10 days is enough (or 10 from first login).
2. You can use counter of expires for user ratings.
3. It would be good if we could get list of all requests ever requested.
So far if request is denied it just disappear from the list.
Think you just gave me an idea...

Something akin to Akismet wordpress spam plugin. Allow YOU to set an expiry date. So if you have a request hit 30 days it will expire because you want it that way.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 5:38 pm
by lauralace
vrocks wrote:
Think you just gave me an idea...

Something akin to Akismet wordpress spam plugin. Allow YOU to set an expiry date. So if you have a request hit 30 days it will expire because you want it that way.
Awesome idea!

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 6:56 pm
by sabyc200
vrocks wrote:
xatrid wrote:1. Why not just make requests expire? I think 10 days is enough (or 10 from first login).
2. You can use counter of expires for user ratings.
3. It would be good if we could get list of all requests ever requested.
So far if request is denied it just disappear from the list.
Think you just gave me an idea...

Something akin to Akismet wordpress spam plugin. Allow YOU to set an expiry date. So if you have a request hit 30 days it will expire because you want it that way.

That would indeed be great!

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:13 pm
by vrocks
Idea expanded: The ability to list the top offenders to YOU.

So in a profile area you can see the top 100 (non-blocked) users that have not responded to your trade request with check box next to them to block them so you don't see their sites anymore.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:54 am
by mcfester
I dont mind when users dont deny a trade and leave it in pending, that way it still shows the green + icon so I know not to bother wasteing my time requesting again, otherwise I'd be wasteing my 150 request per day on sites that I've maybe asked 3 or 4 time before.
If you're gonna do something that they expire some sort of indicater on the search pages would be needed, if I remember rightly thunderball had red icons for denied trades.

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:09 am
by mcfester
I think it was red for dropped trades. Maybe we could have the same, and grey for expired?
And a black warning if its from seomedia :lol:

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:16 am
by mcfester
seomedia wrote:we're already dealing with these fucking turks with German site
You're not a xenophobe are you Seomedia?

We should think ourselves lucky we don't have many French on here also, that would really ruin things. :lol:

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:04 am
by wind4me
Can you explain why this is such a huge deal for you? I have many people who did not accept/deny my request and I am not sure why should I be mad about that. It does not make me any inconvenience (except that I would like some "closure" but its just super minor issue)

Re: Members ignoring requests

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 2:06 am
by wind4me
mcfester wrote:I dont mind when users dont deny a trade and leave it in pending, that way it still shows the green + icon so I know not to bother wasteing my time requesting again, otherwise I'd be wasteing my 150 request per day on sites that I've maybe asked 3 or 4 time before.
Good point.
Like I said - I have no idea why this is such a big issue that makes OP even angry.