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How about another contest?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:50 am
by mcfester
After reading and seeing the guy do well for his keywords in a short time, I got to thinking about doing the same with a domain I have that match these keywords.

I was planning on just spamming the shite out of it as quickly as I could to see what happens, will google dump it or will it rank? :lol:

Then I thought maybe others would like to join in and we could have a competition who can rank the best after a period of time.

Anyone interested in having a bit of fun? Bear in mind if you rank your gonna make money also as these are high traffic keywords.

If we pay an entry fee and funds are spilt between winners and Linkspun, we'd be helping out vrocks for his dedication here, we all have some fun and make money doing it, (hopefully lol).

Re: How about another contest?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:20 pm
by blogstargirl
Would all links have to come from Linkspun partners to be eligible?