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Rant for the day

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:26 pm
by vrocks
I have my blogs on a link trading script I wrote. Adding and subtracting links is very fast. My free sites and other stuff is all manual. I have to use Dreamweaver for them.

It seems that when somebody decides to leave the business they ALWAYS are the ones that asked ONLY for MANUAL links!

I have 100 trades in error because they are manual. I fucking hate those guys!

What REALLY surprises me is how many people just up and leave. I have seen people with blog networks that are pretty rock solid with handwritten posts and good linking structures just up and leave letting their 25 blogs go. That is crazy to me. Somebody could easily sell the network to a full time blogger for $250 and at least get SOMETHING! But in many cases the blogs could have gone for $500 or even $1000. But they just let them go...

If you are planning on leaving the business go to GFY sell/buy forum and put your blogs on the auction block!

Re: Rant for the day

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:11 pm
by webmasterx
And if they did manage to sell them do you think the new owner would keep the active trades?

Re: Rant for the day

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 4:06 pm
by vrocks
Some do and some don't. I try to keep all trades active on the sites I buy.

Re: Rant for the day

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:31 pm
by webmasterx
Even the worthless ones? I honesty feel there are that many planks on gfy I doubt any of them would.