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Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:52 pm
by Relentless
These are people I traded links with who later dropped the trade. Each has been contacted and asked to add the links or to explain why the links were dropped and given plenty of time (weeks not hours) to reply. I have now deleted trades and blocked:

1. NobleSavage
2. McFester

Please add anyone you have had to block so we can week out the non-responsive or unethical traders quicker.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:47 pm
by vrocks
Thanks for the heads up. I noticed McFester allows a lot of domains to expire both inbound and outbound. So if his site expires he will pull your link and not tell you he did it because he no longer owns the domain you are linking to.

The other guy, NobleSavage... I just have to look at what domain he has to trade with and the site on it to know the guy is a moron and is just looking to bullshit people... Including the intended customers of his products...

Big thanks for the heads up on that guy. Will set him to blocked.

Big thanks for speaking out about this kind of stuff and perhaps we need a sub-forum on the topic!

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:42 am
by ristac
I see NobleSavage posting at both the Webmaster Agenda and Inside Webmastering forums, I will drop him a PM to come and take a look at this as he seems an okay guy.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:15 pm
by NobleSavage
Hey guys and gals. I sold off a good chunk of my adult blogs. I'm moving out of adult and focusing more on mainstream. If you are missing a link from me it's because the new owner dropped the links. I've very sorry as I've always taken great care not to drop links.

If jdoughs would let me I'd transfer some of the sites I sold to the new owner which I know has an account on here.


Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:25 pm
by NobleSavage
vrocks wrote: The other guy, NobleSavage... I just have to look at what domain he has to trade with and the site on it to know the guy is a moron and is just looking to bullshit people... Including the intended customers of his products...
What are you talking about Vrocks? I'm assuming you are the same vrocks that has and ? We have had trades for over 3 years and with my site and others. I've never attempted to BS people. Some of my sites are only 10 posts long and not high quality, but they were designed just to be that way. Some are very high quality.

I've never dropped a link intentionally. Now that I'm moving more into mainstream and selling some of my sites, I'm very sorry if links get dropped. In fact vrocks, I told the new owner specifically not to drop the links to rhinosgirls and 8teen as you have very high quality sites.


Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:59 pm
by Relentless
NobleSavage wrote:Hey guys and gals. I sold off a good chunk of my adult blogs. I'm moving out of adult and focusing more on mainstream. If you are missing a link from me it's because the new owner dropped the links. I've very sorry as I've always taken great care not to drop links.
If jdoughs would let me I'd transfer some of the sites I sold to the new owner which I know has an account on here.
Thanks for clearing that up.
It would be nice if you replied to messages asking whats going on when it happens.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:19 pm
by mcfester
Hey guys, my server was moved recently and although things looked ok there was some hidden dns errors that caused my domains to randomly show link errors.
As of yesterday all is sorted so hope you guys can continue trading with me ;-)

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:23 pm
by jdoughs
mcfester wrote:Hey guys, my server was moved recently and although things looked ok there was some hidden dns errors that caused my domains to randomly show link errors.
As of yesterday all is sorted so hope you guys can continue trading with me ;-)

I can confirm this for McFester, yesterday we got it all sorted out between the hosts and all is well now, I hand verified the links myself yesterday and they all seem to be live.

So have a little mercy, it was a host issue with his host, it is fixed now, and I've gone through the errors etc with him.

Thanks guys.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:42 pm
by lauralace
I bought several of Noblesavage' sites and would love to see the trades get transferred to me to be continued. PM me if you got a dropped trade with him and if it's my site we can maybe work something out.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 2:32 pm
by Relentless

Stacked trade agreed to in July. My links added in July. His links never added.
Contacted via LS 8/11, 8/17, 8/30
No replies

Trade Terminated, links removed, weeshweesh blocked.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:58 pm
by vrocks
OK... I will unblock you Noble. I will also check with the buyers about putting up links that got taken down. I hope all of your mainstream ventures work out as well or better than your adult have done for you.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:01 pm
by vrocks
Also, it is unfortunate that you sold of your adult properties since I could have linked into some of your mainstream stuff and got links back from them.

Since you had one domain available for linking and it was PR0 I completely forgot who you were (yes, your domains really do speak for you) so it looked like just another spammer/scammer link trader.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:52 am
by pornmpire
this guy - blueberry

requests link, accepted, setup link, then he drops link and messages me:
"sorry, not interesting"

= blocked

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:59 am
by jdoughs
pornmpire wrote:this guy - blueberry

requests link, accepted, setup link, then he drops link and messages me:
"sorry, not interesting"

= blocked
I'd have to agree, not interesting.

You should add some self shot pics to your profile to 'spruce' it up a bit.

Seriously though, nice reasoning on the

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:59 pm
by vrocks
pornmpire wrote:this guy - blueberry

requests link, accepted, setup link, then he drops link and messages me:
"sorry, not interesting"

= blocked
We have several trades. I thank you for that.

I just went in and checked out several of your blogs and I am thinking... THIS IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT! Clean designs. Lots of content. What was blueberries problem?

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:19 pm
by pornmpire
vrocks wrote:I just went in and checked out several of your blogs and I am thinking... THIS IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT! Clean designs. Lots of content. What was blueberries problem?
Thanks bud. I really don't know what his issue was, that was the only message he left. What got me all salty was that he made the request, it wasn't really a trade I wanted to do, but I figured I'd help out na mean?
jdoughs wrote:You should add some self shot pics to your profile to 'spruce' it up a bit.
Ha! It might help, lol

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:28 am
by whoops
Adding bigboobster to my block list, links stay up for a couple of weeks then drop off, never replies to any messages, happened with 3 trades now.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:02 pm
by inkognito
DrProff -- didn't put my link up from July

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:17 pm
by geirlur
Relentless wrote:weeshweesh

Stacked trade agreed to in July. My links added in July. His links never added.
Contacted via LS 8/11, 8/17, 8/30
No replies

Trade Terminated, links removed, weeshweesh blocked.
I waited FOREVER for this guy to place a link back to me.. it never happened so stopped the trade

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:13 pm
by weeshweesh
geirlur wrote:
Relentless wrote:weeshweesh

Stacked trade agreed to in July. My links added in July. His links never added.
Contacted via LS 8/11, 8/17, 8/30
No replies

Trade Terminated, links removed, weeshweesh blocked.
I waited FOREVER for this guy to place a link back to me.. it never happened so stopped the trade
Just recieved a call from my friend about this thread.
sorry mate, had some personal problems and havent been adding links from 2010/08/04.
All links should be up.
Working now on stacked trades.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:54 pm
by Relentless
weeshweesh wrote:
geirlur wrote:
Relentless wrote:weeshweesh
Stacked trade agreed to in July. My links added in July. His links never added.
Contacted via LS 8/11, 8/17, 8/30 No replies Trade Terminated, links removed, weeshweesh blocked.
I waited FOREVER for this guy to place a link back to me.. it never happened so stopped the trade
Just recieved a call from my friend about this thread. sorry mate, had some personal problems and havent been adding links from 2010/08/04. All links should be up. Working now on stacked trades.
Thanks for the reply... send me some requests if you want to make trades, and add the links. Once I see links going up from you, I'll add them on my sites as well ;)

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:05 pm
by redwhiteandblue
Today's link dropper = tekkno

Dropped link after only a few days and didn't reply to my msg.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:24 pm
by Hincapie
How long do you people usually leave it setup before messaging people/dropping the links? Ive started shooting a msg after 7-10 days - havent started actually dropping the ones not adding back yet, but wondered what timeframe is reasonable.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:49 pm
by tonyparra
I had tried a few domains with it was risky i know but didnt think they would be gone that fast, got names in july and put some decent blogs on them so i apologize to anyone who traded with me on those, but it appears they are gone, i will be contacting people to stop trades, thanks.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:12 pm
by inkognito
--> UncleJoe <--

This guy drop ACTIVE trades after 2-3 months. And he never respond on my question.

I'm gonna to block him.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:03 pm
by inkognito
inkognito wrote:--> UncleJoe <--

This guy drop ACTIVE trades after 2-3 months. And he never respond on my question.

I'm gonna to block him.
I typed wrong his username: UncleJo

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:08 pm
by fetishbank
Hincapie wrote:How long do you people usually leave it setup before messaging people/dropping the links? Ive started shooting a msg after 7-10 days - havent started actually dropping the ones not adding back yet, but wondered what timeframe is reasonable.
I run my site as full time job, so I usually add links within hours but it may take longer during weekends. I (often) do not work in weekends.

I realize there are people who do this part-time and do most of their work during weekends, so I think after a week or so a link should be added.

I'm interested in knowing what other webmasters are thinking about this...

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:13 pm
by inkognito
I check LS at least once per day, and I setup them immediately. Only if I have problems with server or I'm on trip links can be down few days (no more then 5).

One thing, I stop placing links first, cuz I already said, I'm tiered of removing them if other side can't (don't want) setup them.

Fucking noobs. Nothing else.

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:46 am
by LipshtickLady
I give it 3-4 days and then msg people, usually wait up to 10 days before dropping a link. But sometimes I only log in every 5-6 days, life sometimes doesnt feature an internet connection!

I had an incident this am that took a few hours to resolve- funky php error was showing a blank white page on a few sites. had one guy drop 3 days because he said sites were gone... was a bit over-reactive...

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:31 pm
by fetishbank
LipshtickLady wrote:I had an incident this am that took a few hours to resolve- funky php error was showing a blank white page on a few sites. had one guy drop 3 days because he said sites were gone... was a bit over-reactive...
Servers crashes happens, we should be a bit tolerant on this !

I've been running a link list and tgp for years. Before removing dead links (you can't imagine how many people forget to renew domains !) I always allow a reasonable amount of time to fix problems...

Re: Linkspun LinkDroppers - Blocked Now

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:38 pm
by inkognito
Yeah fetishbank, i see your point. I suggest to jdough to make a mark for trade errors, something like: link down for 0-5days - mark as yellow, 6-10 orange, and 11+ days red.. So when you open error list you see what trades are inactive, and for how long..

Now, i just go to error list once at month and remove all my links and drop trades. Sometimes I send comment, but I do that rare.. (Only if I see that user is active / logged in last 7 days)

I make mistake sometimes when I drop trades. But user are also lazy to change status to something: I HAVE PROBLEM WITH SERVER/SITE.. LINK WILL BE UP WHEN SERVER/SITES work again.. They don't care, why I need to care for both? ;-)