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Are links being checked ???

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:50 am
by tfcash
I'm going thru my stuff from a few months back, and it doesn't look like the links are being checked to see if they are still live :o

a sample would be it was setup on 5/6 and the last time it was checked was 5/17 :cry: The trade domain seems to be blank, comes up with a directory listing.

how often are links check on the system ???


Re: Are links being checked ???

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:06 pm
by vrocks
Typically it can take up to 2 months to cycle through the over 1,000,000 link trades. Looking at the June wayback machine profile for the site in question, it seems it was up back then. So this fits into the timeline of how long it should normally take for the bot to get around to checking it.

I have hundreds of trades. For the most part all of my partners are on the up and up. So it is also typical not to worry about a month of not getting a link back when for years the trade was active and helping.

We have been considering ideas to charge a small monthly fee and add things like priority link checking.

Re: Are links being checked ???

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:09 am
by tfcash
Thanks for the update :)

Let me know if you do get a system for priority link checks!