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Google Traffic Peaks / Drops / updating WP Blogs

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:58 am
by CarlosTheGaucho
Have a couple static blogs, 18 of them so far, each related to a certain model, those are up for cca 2 months, will turn them into updated blogs that will be available for link trading.

It took about a month or two till about four of them started to receive, all of a sudden, cca 50 uniques a day from Google.

What I did is that I immediately updated all of them, and planning to continue so.

Yet with two of them the traffic dropped almost entirely, with two of them the traffic is more or less steady, and another one started to receive cca 50 uniques a day overnight with no updates (I reckon it takes time till the content gets properly indexed and "trusted").

The landing / entry pages for SE traffic were mainly the bio page and categories, not the actual post(s).

Using the XML Sitemaps WP plugin to notify the search engines regarding any new post.

Confused now about what exactly happened, can updating itself mess up your Google ratings?

Sure also have a static page build on WP that's still #9 for a certain very much niche term, for more than 8 months already, with practically no backlinks, just relevant domain name and relevant content.

Any thoughts on this?

Re: Google Traffic Peaks / Drops / updating WP Blogs

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:13 am
by redwhiteandblue
It is odd how Google does things. I started building a network of fake tubes a while back, I had two up and started a third, but didn't finish building it as something else more important distracted me. I've never finished it, it has no backlinks to it at all, yet Google is still sending it a good couple of hundred hits a day. You can bet that as soon as I do add any backlinks those will disappear.