Status of portential trade parter option.

Just what it sounds like, post any suggestions you have for LinkSpun inside here.

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Status of portential trade parter option.

Post by PornGuy »

I have read a lot of people here talking about not being happy when trades are not set up within 12 to 24 hours and I started thinking that I did not want a lot of people getting pissed off at me if I happened to take a long weekend or vacation.

So with that in mind it might be nice to have a feature were when someone requests a trade with one of my sites, I can set the account to

Im here,
Long Weekend
Vacation 1 week
Vacation 2 weeks

or something like that. This way the person can say, Oh ok no worries I can wait as its a long term or the person can say. Discard the trade I will try you again later or what ever.