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Mozrank fix in the works

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 2:55 am
by vrocks
We have implemented a fix for Mozrank.

The issue:

Previously, MOZ API was free for up to 25,000 checks per month. This worked fine for many years to keep Mozrank updated on our sites. However, they have recently cut the free API access down to 2,000 per month. This is wholly inadequate to service the many sites we have in our database.

The solution:

I have added a section to the manage profile page to add your own Moz ID and Access Key. You can obtain a free API key here. You will need to join with a free community account. Then generate your Mozscape API key. You can then enter it into your profile page.

Linkspun will NOT use your key to run anyone else's sites other than your own. However, you can now manually run other users sites yourself in the trades pages. You will see an update link next to their Mozrank.

We have created an instant update button that you will see when you have your Mozrank API keys filled in. It only allows one URL to be updated every 10 seconds. Trying to circumvent the timer will only get your API key throttled by Mozrank or banned by Mozrank for trying to use it more often than 10 seconds.

Thanks for using Linkspun.

BTW - You can check your Moz API stats here:

Re: Mozrank fix in the works

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 5:13 pm
by dennyn
Looks like the sites are now sorted by DA by default, instead of last login date? I'd prefer the previous sorting because front pages now show the sites of users who haven't been logged in for quite some time (I even see some expired domains in front positions of certain categories) + displayed value of DA stands for the root domain and many people have added sub-pages and subdomains so it's quite misleading.

Re: Mozrank fix in the works

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:51 am
by vrocks
You should be able to sort by last login date and have that stored as a cookie for you by clicking on that header value.

Re: Mozrank fix in the works

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:21 am
by vrocks
Manual update of Mozrank is very close.

That happens on the manage pages form. It will be like the old PR manual update. If you have your Moz ID and Key entered on your profile page you will see it available. However, it isn't working yet...

But it will be very soon.

Re: Mozrank fix in the works

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 4:27 pm
by 123anddone
API added waiting for updater

thumbs up for idea and work

Re: Mozrank fix in the works

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:47 am
by vrocks
The MozRank checker has been implemented.

It will most likely take awhile for the cron job version to catch up and update all of your sites. You will need to refer to the first post in this thread and follow the directions. It will NOT run your sites unless you do so.

There is a manual updater on the Manage Pages menu. It is basically the PageRank "update" link turned into the MozRank update link. Again, it will not show up for you unless you have followed the directions!

Let me know if you encounter any issues.


Re: Mozrank fix in the works

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:51 pm
by vrocks
Just a heads up:

Moz API has a cap of 1 check per 10 seconds. So you will notice the script to manually update your sites takes 10 seconds to run. If you try to run it on multiple tabs all at once you will get blocked by Moz API for about 1 minute per attempt. So if you tried to run it 20 times in 10 seconds the first result will come back working, and the other 19 will come back not working with a block on your account for 19 minutes. So after 19 minutes you can then begin to run it again.

So... wait the 10 seconds or you will just get yourself throttled by Moz.

** Also note. This is a free service and the Moz API is free to use as well. Linkspun does not use your Moz account. You use your Moz account. You elect to use it or not. Having up to date Moz data means you will be more likely to find linking partners.

Re: Mozrank fix in the works

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:28 pm
by Hincapie
Finally got this added to my account, great idea!

Where is the manual update thingie?

Re: Mozrank fix in the works

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:36 am
by Hincapie
Figured it :) Works like a charm !