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A must-use and required tools for Linkspun

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:24 am
by wolfduque225
Hi after some years in linkspun i think we all need these and it could benefit everyone:

1- Im thinking you should implement a new tool that is a must-required for updating active trades,
i mean, change a url for another one if required for active trades....

For example, for SEO sense, we are in in year 2020... so, old urls should be deleted or modified, without saying deleting urls for mistakes or any internal 5xxx error in site. So if it happens with one url in an active trade, then it needs to be updated for a new one.

Obviously, you have to first request or inform the other side, to inform the reason and the new url, if she/he accept then the new link update the old one.

In all these years, when i have to update a url from an active trade always i need cancel completly all the trade and make a new one, and its really annoying and time consuming for me and the other side.... i really think all the linkspun will thanks you a lot for this option.

2- Please think a way to delete the old trades when the other side do not delete the link fo our side, because very ofter the people dies, stop working, leave this world, or do not connect in months in linkspun and do not delete their link to our side, making many trades with link errors.... i have 16 right now, and i need to delete those urls from my page list and i cant because the trade still there, because they dont delete it.

Note: I already sent you the id for those trades, and not receiving answer or deleted them... I dont think sending you the trade id in a a forum messages should be the most professional way for delete them. It should be a programatic/it way.

Re: A must-use and required tools for Linkspun

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 6:44 am
by Hincapie
wolfduque225 wrote:Hi after some years in linkspun i think we all need these and it could benefit everyone:

1- Im thinking you should implement a new tool that is a must-required for updating active trades,
i mean, change a url for another one if required for active trades....

For example, for SEO sense, we are in in year 2020... so, old urls should be deleted or modified, without saying deleting urls for mistakes or any internal 5xxx error in site. So if it happens with one url in an active trade, then it needs to be updated for a new one.

Obviously, you have to first request or inform the other side, to inform the reason and the new url, if she/he accept then the new link update the old one.

In all these years, when i have to update a url from an active trade always i need cancel completly all the trade and make a new one, and its really annoying and time consuming for me and the other side.... i really think all the linkspun will thanks you a lot for this option.

2- Please think a way to delete the old trades when the other side do not delete the link fo our side, because very ofter the people dies, stop working, leave this world, or do not connect in months in linkspun and do not delete their link to our side, making many trades with link errors.... i have 16 right now, and i need to delete those urls from my page list and i cant because the trade still there, because they dont delete it.

Note: I already sent you the id for those trades, and not receiving answer or deleted them... I dont think sending you the trade id in a a forum messages should be the most professional way for delete them. It should be a programatic/it way.
Those are awesome ideas. I really like the idea of an ability to replace links in a trade, it happens fairly often that the need is there.

No idea if its possible to still develop linkspun but if it is, it should be on the to-do list :)

Re: A must-use and required tools for Linkspun

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 5:56 pm
by vrocks
Modifying a trade is something we can implement.

And I just killed your list of dead trades for you.

Re: A must-use and required tools for Linkspun

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 5:44 pm
by wolfduque225
Yes thanks you man. But anyway my ideas i think would be very good for site :) you should think it...