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Anybody else having issues with Seo-Host??

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:36 am
by bunkman
My sites are up and down like a frickin' yo-yo.

I've been back and forth with support a hundred times since the 13th and it seems like all they do is reboot/restart services, rather than make permanent fixes.

If I had to guess I'd say they're overloading their boxes and/or some idiot webmasters are attempting to run resource heavy/high traffic sites on shitty virtual accounts.

It's looking more and more like I'm gonna have to move my sites elsewhere, which is going to be a major pain in z ass and could potentially fuck with my rankings..

Anyway, I'd stear clear of these guys until they get their shit together.

Re: Anybody else having issues with Seo-Host??

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:57 am
by PedroLuiz
We have had, or still have, servers with Isprime, Bluegravity, Splitinfinity, Webair, Swiftwill, Reflected, Cyberwurx and a couple of smaller ones that are either dead or were too shitty to mention.

Reason why we had so many different hosts was for seo purposes.

I can honestly say that without comparison, Reflected has been the most pleasent experience of all of them. Cyberwurx had nice support also, but we never had anything major hosted with them. We've always run intensive scripts, and so we've often crashed servers and been in need of support. Reflecteds support is second to none.

So if you require good (and fast) technical support I would recommend Reflected.

As far as security and technical knowhow, I've heard from different sources that Swiftwill has some very very skilled coders (ex-hackers), so I guess I'd recommend them for sensitive setups.

Good luck with your move.

Re: Anybody else having issues with Seo-Host??

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:25 pm
by mBishop
If you're on a shared server, I recommend going to a vps or dedicated ASAP. All it takes is some other schmuck to have a poorly programmed script make too many mysql queries without properly closing them to bring a server to its knees.

I have a pair of dedicated servers at cyberwurx. One is web (apache/php), the other is database (mysql). With a private gigabit crossover cable between them (which regularly pushes 15-20mbps worth of database traffic).

Re: Anybody else having issues with Seo-Host??

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:30 pm
by bunkman
Thanks guys but I already have dedicated and VPS hosting elsewhere. I use SEO Host because they offer virtually unlimited class C IP's from different locations all over the globe.. If you know of any other hosts that can do this for me, please do let me know.