Manage Pages functionality suggestions

Just what it sounds like, post any suggestions you have for LinkSpun inside here.

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Manage Pages functionality suggestions

Post by attila »

I think these two will help a great deal in organization....

1) On the manage pages.php page, in the category column. Please put Gay in front of category if its ie: Gay > Bear , Gay > Webcam,
if its straight plz just put the category. Right now its hard to tell what is what.

2) Maybe the category selection should be enabled so when you click the star when its unclasified or the clasified category, the drop down will appear letting you select what category you want rather than having to click checkmark, scroll to bottom and then select it. Then go back to the top, select for next domain, etc.

The one on the bottom is great, when doing multiple selections but having it the way i mentioned above will help ensure that people don't get lazy and sort their sites properly by niche.
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Re: Manage Pages functionality suggestions

Post by 123anddone »

for that suggestion to add gay in front i AGREE 100% because sometime by mistake i select gay sites that domain don't look like gay one.

that would be weary helpful when looking for straight and gay niche trades.