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External API

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:31 am
by naughtytweet
I'd love to see hooks to an external API so that links could be automatically added/deleted from one single interface

Re: External API

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:07 pm
by 123anddone
yes this would be weary useful, because now i have to visit tens of my own sites per day :D

Re: External API

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:03 pm
by mBishop
123anddone wrote:yes this would be weary useful, because now i have to visit tens of my own sites per day :D

Are you thinking that the API would be used to display links on sites remotely? That would be a BAD idea in my opinion, at least I would never use that feature. I don't even like having remote 3rd party ads like JuicyAds run on my site for fear of bad code being injected on my pages.

If you want an easier way to add links to your sites when you set up trades... get LinksOrganizer. When I agree to a trade here, I simply add the trade in LinksOrganizer, and select which site the link should go on. I don't have to log into each site to add the links.

And if a trade is dropped, I go into LinksOrganizer and delete the trade, and the links are automatically removed from my sites.

Re: External API

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 5:09 pm
by PhobosTube
Oh my good this would rock so much. Understandably the owner would be hesistant to implement this because it could easily lead to abuse.

Re: External API

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:32 pm
by naughtytweet
No not a widget or code you place from here on your site - an API interface where when you add or remove a link here it would be available through the API to programs like your LinkOrganizer - we all use some type of program to manage links I am suggesting some interface with those programs. Our particular program is custom PHP so it would be simple to have an API and from... Wouldn't you like to be able to simply say yes to a link here on linkspun and magically it appears on your site? I would.

Re: External API

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:33 am
by jdoughs
Please see Drocd's thread about the API, ... 51&start=0

This post was first but we're going to get the info in there, and this allows us to clear up this forum from what we've addressed, and not addressed. I'm going to lock this just to keep it organized.

Thank you!