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Removing Pending Trades

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:54 pm
by RickDiculous
I have several pending trades that have been sitting there for over a month and the other party has never replied to the messages I left. Some of them log into linkspun every day, some haven't logged in since they created an account.

1st suggestion: email address should be mandatory when you sign up and a confirmation email should be sent. Most of the users that trade with me have no way of communication set up in their profile.

2nd suggestion: The initiator of the trade should have the possibilty to delete it as long as the other party has not responded.

Re: Removing Pending Trades

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:52 pm
by 123anddone
this would be great, because i have 180+ trades in pending status where other part has to accept or deny, and going one by one to delete would take much time, also communicating with other users is problem, no we can do it by personal contact or by comments but we don't have any communication system between users, this would solve some problems, like i would like to inform other user that i would like to make trades subdomains for subdomains but i have no chance how, so i have to leave a comment in each trade request :)

Re: Removing Pending Trades

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:28 am
by venril
Well I remember it was suggested by someone to block the user from doing anything here, until they either accept or deny any trades that are pending for over 1 month. That along with sending them emails once a week would be a nifty feature.

Re: Removing Pending Trades

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:49 am
by jdoughs
We will add something that auto-denies pending trades that are stale after 30 days or something.

Sitting in pending with all the trade set up just needing to say yes or no, I think 30 days is PLENTY, but should keep that list fairly small.

Bumping to the top.

Re: Removing Pending Trades

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:33 pm
by artichoke86
I've had my site up for a couple of months, and I'm still trying to figure all this stuff out. It's a daunting task. I'm stressed out from it, and my fiancee is telling me that I should just quit. We're ready to split for good, and I'm just feeling like it's all for shit. In the meantime, I've also written about a total of 28 erotic stories plus done some blog posts, I have 10 affiliates, and I've neglected Linkspun almost entirely. Can someone please help me get back on track?
