alt tags and google

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alt tags and google

Post by elegantmedia »

I posted this over at the zoo but I'm guessing I get much better answers here. (hoping jdough will chime in)

Regarding alt tags on images in WP and how google crawls and checks KW density.

Recently I've decided to use robogallery to simplify uploading images to some babeblog type sites that are built on WP. robogallery/uugallery et al have a way to specify automatic alt tags for each image so that alt tags might appear as 'model name 1' 'model name 2' etc etc. while this seems a nice feature, I have to wonder about google seeing it as KW spam.

When I do this manually (add alt tags to images) I will typically title a few after the model, a few about the boobs, and a few about something else relative to the pic. I admit, some alt tags I leave blank.

This method seems to work 'ok'

Normally, I have a domain with my KW in it - my post title has my KW in it - I use the KW once in the first sentence of the blog post and well as about 2/3 of the way thru the post. If I have a 100-200 word post - I figure this is hitting my KW density at about 3-5% which seems pretty 'right' and 'natural'

If I have say 10 pics in a post and add 10 alt tags with nearly the same KW - wont this throw my density WAY off?

Or does google not calculate these alt tags into the density? What about title tags and filenames?

Thanks for any input you guys can give on this!!
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Re: alt tags and google

Post by CarlosTheGaucho »

Would be curious to hear feedback too, thinking among the same lines - doing unique filename / unique alt tag for each pic, so it's related to its content, usually also including the model name.
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Re: alt tags and google

Post by blogstargirl »

My opinions etc in blue

Regarding alt tags on images in WP and how google crawls and checks KW density.

Recently I've decided to use robogallery to simplify uploading images to some babeblog type sites that are built on WP. robogallery/uugallery et al have a way to specify automatic alt tags for each image so that alt tags might appear as 'model name 1' 'model name 2' etc etc. while this seems a nice feature, I have to wonder about google seeing it as KW spam.

You would want to use the model name a few times, but the numbering isn't going to help you rank for related keywords. When you have multiple pics of basically the same thing / person, you could name them slightly different, like tory-black.jpg, tori-black-tattoo.jpg, tori-black-new-fleshlight-girl.jpg, etc. Hitting a misspelling is a good idea, although Google seems to be overriding the common misspellings like the “i” for “y” on its own now. It’s easier for you to hit a KW misspelling in a photo file name, whereas readers would pick up a misspelling in your text. Consider that you want your images to potentially be picked up in a Google Images Search. One photo with a 2 - 3 word alt tag is usually best for this purpose (Google Images). From my understanding, alt tags for photos, unless you’re trying to hit a longtail KW or phrase (example: tori-black-new-fleshlight-girl), should run 1 to 4 words.

When I do this manually (add alt tags to images) I will typically title a few after the model, a few about the boobs, and a few about something else relative to the pic. I admit, some alt tags I leave blank. This method seems to work 'ok'

Normally, I have a domain with my KW in it - my post title has my KW in it - I use the KW once in the first sentence of the blog post and well as about 2/3 of the way thru the post. If I have a 100-200 word post - I figure this is hitting my KW density at about 3-5% which seems pretty 'right' and 'natural'

If I have say 10 pics in a post and add 10 alt tags with nearly the same KW - wont this throw my density WAY off?

Yes. You could write more text to give yourself a more natural KW density given the number of alt tags in the photos. Or leave some tags blank.

Or does google not calculate these alt tags into the density? What about title tags and filenames?

To my knowledge, Google considers alt tags into the density and Google looks at the file names.

However, if your galleries are going to be Groups of 10 photos of the same babe, you could leave some blank as you've been doing. Or in the case of the Tori Black example, you could have file names like TBL3.jpg, TBL4.jpg etc if you've hit your density in the text plus one or two of the photos combined. (I'd make sure that at least 1 photo was tagged so that it could potentially be picked up in the Google Images Search).
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