Trade Count on Each Domain

Just what it sounds like, post any suggestions you have for LinkSpun inside here.

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Trade Count on Each Domain

Post by absolute »

Could such thing be implemented?
I was going through my active trades and I was looking for the number of existing trades done on Linkspun, for each domain, and I didnt find anything.

Maybe it could be placed in , a new column with "Trades Done"
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Re: Trade Count on Each Domain

Post by jdoughs »

I like the idea, it just depends how much room we have left in them tables (we have all sorts of stuff on the way, Drocd has been working on extra functions/features, so some of them will be added to table results).

One thing is this too. On the Active Trades page we have a 'inline search' built into the tables, if you just type your domain in there, it will only show matches for it. So you can search out by domain, by anchor, or by username all the Active Trades you have set up.
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Re: Trade Count on Each Domain

Post by absolute »

Yes I know about the inline search, but not quite the same...
Imagine someone with 100 Own URLS, writing them down one by one would be a hard time... hehehe
That is why I suggested doing a simple count in the MANAGE PAGES link ;)

Cheers and thanks for building up Linkspun for us! Totally rocks!
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