Mandatory reason for trade denied

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Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »


I would love to see a "mandatory reason" when a person denies a trade. 9 out of 10 denied trades do not have a reason or a comment. I dont mind if trades are denied, but some info would be appreciated. Currently I just block users that deny trades without a reason.

Any thoughts about this?

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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by jdoughs »

I tend to look at it a little differently, there is dozens/hundreds of good reasons to deny a trade, and generally, more requests will get denied then accepted, since 2 minds and strategies need to meet for it to make it to Active Trades.

To me it's like having to list reasons why not to buy something as you walk down the aisle of the grocery store. It's much easier and logical to say why you would buy something then explain or spend time listing out the reasons why not.

Some people do 200-300 trades a week, which means sometimes 500 or 600 (or more) trades go through their system, they want to spend times on ones that will mean something, not the ones that aren't going anywhere.

I also think by blocking people for denying you are cutting yourself off some great trade partners. I have guys I've known for years that I don't think twice about denying heh. If the trade just doesn't make sense or look worth it, deny it, but that same request in a month may become a worthy trade (ie you need links on what he has now or vice versus, but didn't a month ago), for this reason I think blocking someone for denying one is a recipe for disaster.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by venril »

Well, here are some of the most common reasons:

1) Niches just don't match even remotely. If for example all I have are bondage and fetish sites, and you have babe sites targeted after a specific model with no relation to said fetishes whatsoever, this is often a decline. Another example: some webmaster has only gay sites and you have only big boobs. Another insta-decline.

2) All you have are some lousy webcam sites with a bunch of iframes slapped together and little to no text. Same often goes to sexshop and other sites. Personally I don't mind linking to such site at times, but you must have something good for a linkback.

3) You ask a link from 2nd level domain site (e.g., but all you have are a bunch of lousy blogs on freehosts or above mentioned sites of very low value. Most webmasters understand how to crank out a ton of such crappy sites, but won't bother with those who do.

4) You have a fuckton of pages (500+), but most of them are something like Many webmasters have no time or desire to wade thru all these junk pages to find a good one. Much easier to hit a decline and move on.

There are many more reasons since we're all still different, but these are the most common. Use common sense and you'll find a lot of quality trades here. Some people go after numbers however and will trade with just about anything.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

Guys, sorry, I think you missed my point. I don't mind that trades are denied, I fully understand that. I also know the reasoning behind the denies (in general). I just want to know why people deny for a specific trade so I can adjust my strategy with that trade partner. And since I don't know at this point my only option is to block that user so I wont get accused of spamming his account.

Let's say they have a problem with my site portfolio, that is fine, then I block them so I don't bother them with my requests anymore. But let's say they only have a problem with that particular trade, for whatever kind of reason. Obviously, I wont block them because it may be that we still can get some fine trades.

Hope you see my point. I try to do my best to match up PR and niche. But if there are other point I'm not aware of then I would like to know. Denying a trade without a reason doesn't help.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by HowlingWulf »

Why don't you just ask for the deny reason in the comment field and hope for a reply?
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by redwhiteandblue »

I'd say it's hard enough finding good trades at the best of times without blocking those who you wanted to trade with but denied you the once.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by Relentless »

For many the reason may be confidential (domain may be sold soon etc) and for others the reason will simply be "I didn't feel like it." You'll earn much more money focusing on the people who do trade with you than you'll ever earn focusing on the people who don't. 2cents
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

Thanks for all the responses guys. All make a lot of sense.

What I do now is that I just ask in the comment of the denied trade for a reason. I do respect denied trades, I'm not really bothered by them. I also do deny trades for all the reasons mentioned in this thread. Even sometimes that a trade doesnt feel right. I also deny trades based on content (for instance teen 18+ that look much younger, but probably perfectly legal).

Anyway, I hope that people in general will be more active in writing a little response/reasoning. I do see the point that it should not be mandatory, although a strong suggestion close to the deny button would be preferable IMHO.

Thanks again and cheers,
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by Relentless »

CodeR70 wrote:Anyway, I hope that people in general will be more active in writing a little response/reasoning. I do see the point that it should not be mandatory, although a strong suggestion close to the deny button would be preferable IMHO.
That makes good sense to me.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by BadWolf »

If you have a question why not just ask the person why they denied the trade. My understanding is that when someone requests a trade with me in most cases that webmaster asked for the same trade or a similar trade with 50 other webmasters. When I can spend five seconds ascertaining that the trade is zero benefit to me and the webmaster spent zero seconds looking at my sites before requesting a trade..........well, I'm not going to waste my time explaining why I denied it unless asked.

My most common reasons for rejecting trades are:

request link from TLD to subdomain
too many outbound links to inbound links ratio
niches do not match
asking for link to hardcore from softcore site (I don't do hardcore or very rarely)
language other than English
request link from TLD to freehost
iffy trade request from someone I don't know
trade request from someone I know is flaky and drops trades, is incompetent, etc

I'd be happy to explain why I denied the trade in all those instances but I'm not going to explain unless asked, I deny about 70%-80% of trade requests.

Btw, as this is my first post here let me thank jdoughs for this fantastic opportunity to expand my trades, Linkspun is the best thing to come along in a long, long time.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by naughtytweet »

Well I doubt that mandatory comments will work, although it would be nice sometimes to get a comment as to why... more importantly I'd like to have that trade opportunity flagged somehow so a week or a month from now I don't go trying to trade with them again, at least a reminder.

Link trading can be VERY frustrating on both ends, common courtesy would go a long way to improving the overall experience for everyone.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by feedme2010 »

naughtytweet wrote:Well I doubt that mandatory comments will work, although it would be nice sometimes to get a comment as to why... more importantly I'd like to have that trade opportunity flagged somehow so a week or a month from now I don't go trying to trade with them again, at least a reminder.

Link trading can be VERY frustrating on both ends, common courtesy would go a long way to improving the overall experience for everyone.
I agree that link trading can be very frustrating, but if you request a trade from a PR2 site (eg) that's been online for 11 years to your PR3 blog that hasn't been updated since 2009, do you you really need a reason?

I get trade requests all the time. I don't care much about PR, either. I enter the anchor link into Google and - if I don't see the domain on page 1 of Google's SERPs - I'm rejecting the trade.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

feedme2010 wrote:
naughtytweet wrote:I get trade requests all the time. I don't care much about PR, either. I enter the anchor link into Google and - if I don't see the domain on page 1 of Google's SERPs - I'm rejecting the trade.
And that is something I really do not understand. The reason he probably asked for the trade is to get on page 1. What's the point of asking you a trade if he's already there (besides maintaining his position)? Also, you dont have to ask for a linkback on the same site. You can ask for a site that may have your interest and have the guy work on his other links in the mean time.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

Getting this thread on topic again :-D

I was wondering, instead of a comment for denying a trade, why not have a picklist with the standard reasons. For instance

- bad content
- incompatible niche
- no interesting site in portfolio
- other

Just a simple pointer to the reason. In general I would like to know if a person does not like my portfolio (he could not find back a link he found worth while) or he just does not like that particular trade (as in site content). I don't need a complete story about why a particular trade has been denied.

The suggestion which the flag of previously denied trades would be great btw. You don't want to request it again (or at least not soon).

I also have to be honest, I sometimes forget to read the profile message which sometimes explains what the person is looking for. But many times, when I do read the profile message it is the default one.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by webdanger »

the reasons are just a few that matter so no need to do it mandatory, it would just stall and bore the process. Backlinks, PR, quality of site and outgoing links. Of course popups and other crap tools but those fall into the quality reason.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by ania10 »

How do you block users? I have denied some trades and they keep requesting the same trades. It would be helpful to know how to block users. I could not find this feature. Ohh, I just got it, you have to click on your profile at the top of the page. Thanks anyway :P
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by feedme2010 »

I'll also deny trades if the requester asks for trades to his PR1, his PR2, or his PR3 sites - and only has PR0 sites listed for return requests. I had a request today to lik to a PR4 site, but I could only ask for links back from pr) sites.

Not going to happen.

I don't think giving a reason for denying a trade is neccesary. Just move on and ask someone else.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by sharphead »

Personally I wouldn't block anyone, unless they had a multitude of sites that were completely different than mine (i.e. Gay sites) and kept continually trying to initiate trades, but take myself for instance. Today yes, I only have 5 sites in the system, believe me, by the end of the year, i'll probably have 30-40 sites all actively trading, all kinds of niches. Since they will all mostly be TGP's you can count on good traffic seeing your links. Also, with this network, your link is always displayed on the 3rd image block on the right hand side, no tricks, not hidden, always online.

Hit me up for a trade or check my index site (and scan the QR code with your phone to bookmark!) at

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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by 12links »

mandatory reason for denying a trade is pointless.

if that's the case, then people will just put text like "awerasdfasdfgseargtwerg" in the field, because people don't need a reason to deny trades.

there's definitely more denials then approvals going on, especially when idiot users request a trade for their main page and every fucking category page, then they aren't even smart enough to request a half intelligent anchor from their million sites on the same IP.

congrats. you are denied, and i don't need a damn reason.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by 12links »

feedme2010 wrote:I'll also deny trades if the requester asks for trades to his PR1, his PR2, or his PR3 sites - and only has PR0 sites listed for return requests. I had a request today to lik to a PR4 site, but I could only ask for links back from pr) sites.

Not going to happen.

I don't think giving a reason for denying a trade is neccesary. Just move on and ask someone else.
there are cases where a persons pr 4 with NO traffic is as worthless or WORTH LESS than a lower pr site who has some traffic or ranks better.

when you think of it, what good is a pr 4 site that no one visits? it's basically invisible, which = useless.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

12links wrote:if that's the case, then people will just put text like "awerasdfasdfgseargtwerg" in the field, because people don't need a reason to deny trades.
Which is a pretty good reason for me to block that person. If no valid reason is given because people are to "damn" lazy then fine! My point is that I can finally weed out those idiots who doesnt give a "damn".
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by Gimped »

Right but, 5 out of 10 of the people you "weed out" for not giving reason for denied trade are people that just have too many trades to bother giving you a reason or their time is worth more to them than you, it comes down to the fact that you are blocking potential good trades from people you think are idiots but clearly just don't have the time.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

Gimped wrote:Right but, 5 out of 10 of the people you "weed out" for not giving reason for denied trade are people that just have too many trades to bother giving you a reason or their time is worth more to them than you
Again, you just mention all the good reasons for me to block them. If they dont want to spend time on my requests, why should I bother to make any more request to them. I probably do them a favor not making any more requests.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

Gimped wrote: you think are idiots but clearly just don't have the time.
BTW, how do you know that so clearly?
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

Ok, I had a quick read in this thread again and let me clarify a few things.

The "idiots" statement was more about people who would enter "adfadfadfadsfadfc" if the field was mandatory. It's not so much about people who are busy, but more about people who dont want to put in any effort and are just lazy in general.

But my point for a mandatory reason or a picklist of common reasons is this. Any reason is valid, maybe not to me, but ANY reason is valid for the person who denies the trade. Let me be clear about that, it's not that I dont understand a deny. I just would like to know the reason so I can change my strategy. Maybe a person does not like my sites, or maybe they just dont like me (which makes sense :D), then I just dont make any request. And then you also really find out the people who are serious with this.

And let me be clear, sometimes I deny trades also without putting in a comment because its not worth my time.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by 12links »

Gimped wrote:Right but, 5 out of 10 of the people you "weed out" for not giving reason for denied trade are people that just have too many trades to bother giving you a reason or their time is worth more to them than you, it comes down to the fact that you are blocking potential good trades from people you think are idiots but clearly just don't have the time.
my point as well.

when you login and there's 100 requests to analyze, and you approve maybe 15 of them - do you really expect me to write a note for the other 85?

not happening. i personally don't have the time to do that, nor do i care to.

the bottom line is that if you're not approved, then it doesn't matter why. trade isn't active, so move on.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by 12links »

CodeR70 wrote: And let me be clear, sometimes I deny trades also without putting in a comment because its not worth my time.
you've just stated what we said as well. it's not worth the time.

people have too many other things to worry about then giving a reason for denied trades. hell, i don't even know where to view denied trades, and that's because i didn't ever care to look.

i only care about what's approved, because that's all that matters.

worrying about why your requests are denied is something done by people who cry about ex girlfriends for 7 months when they only dated for 2 weeks.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

12links wrote:
CodeR70 wrote: And let me be clear, sometimes I deny trades also without putting in a comment because its not worth my time.
you've just stated what we said as well. it's not worth the time.

people have too many other things to worry about then giving a reason for denied trades. hell, i don't even know where to view denied trades, and that's because i didn't ever care to look.

i only care about what's approved, because that's all that matters.

worrying about why your requests are denied is something done by people who cry about ex girlfriends for 7 months when they only dated for 2 weeks.
Welcome to my block list.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

12links wrote:
Gimped wrote:Right but, 5 out of 10 of the people you "weed out" for not giving reason for denied trade are people that just have too many trades to bother giving you a reason or their time is worth more to them than you, it comes down to the fact that you are blocking potential good trades from people you think are idiots but clearly just don't have the time.
my point as well.

when you login and there's 100 requests to analyze, and you approve maybe 15 of them - do you really expect me to write a note for the other 85?

not happening. i personally don't have the time to do that, nor do i care to.

the bottom line is that if you're not approved, then it doesn't matter why. trade isn't active, so move on.
I have no idea what you do on linkspun then. You are only worried about your own time but you dont give a shit about others. But you just prove that there are a bunch of arrogant idiots out there who think that everybody else should make themselves available for you and dont give a shit about their efforts.

As said, welcome to my block list. If we had trades, I'm sure I'm gonna drop them.

Man, I hate lazy arrogant idiots. F*ck them all. Crying about 100 requests a day but only have 7 crappy pages to offer!
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by 12links »

it's not my job to review peoples sites or write to them.

if i don't like a trade, or they don't have anything to offer of decent relevance, then i say no. end of story. move on to the next request. there's no point to write on every denied trade because it's a waste of time.

also - i have YET to receive a message from someone stating their reason for denial, and i've probably received at least 100 or so rejections myself. i'm sure most people have. but you're the only person crying about why no one wants to link to your site and why they don't tell you why.

if it's that much of an issue to you, then why don't you just ask people why they rejected you? take the initiative yourself to figure out why. strike up the conversation on your own instead of annoying everyone else into writing required shit that people probably won't read because they're too busy requesting new trades and moving on.

on top of that, it's not that people are lazy or that they don't care, it's called being efficient, getting YOUR work done, and cutting out the unnecessary - part of which is wasting time writing notes to people.

when you were in grade school and wrote a note to a girl saying "do you like me, circle yes or no" did you include a space for a "why not" ? no. if she said "no" did you cry about it and get all pissy? no. you wrote another note to another girl and completed this process with all the hot chicks until one of them said yes so you could get a handjob in someones backyard at a birthday party.

quit whining about reasons for denial. if you care that much about a rejected trade, then quit crying about it and just ask the webmaster and get your answer.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by 12links »

CodeR70 wrote: You are only worried about your own time but you dont give a shit about others.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by lauralace »

BadWolf wrote:
My most common reasons for rejecting trades are:

request link from TLD to subdomain
too many outbound links to inbound links ratio
niches do not match
asking for link to hardcore from softcore site (I don't do hardcore or very rarely)
language other than English
request link from TLD to freehost
iffy trade request from someone I don't know
trade request from someone I know is flaky and drops trades, is incompetent, etc
Me too and add in wanting tube trades from a blog and the reverse, wanting me to link to cam sites, or phonesex sites.

I comment sometimes if I want to trade with a site but the selected trade doesn't work for me, but mostly I don't comment unless they ask me why. I get too many requests to be able to comment every single one.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

lauralace wrote:
BadWolf wrote:I comment sometimes if I want to trade with a site but the selected trade doesn't work for me, but mostly I don't comment unless they ask me why. I get too many requests to be able to comment every single one.
If you can hit a deny button, then I don't see the problem taking 10 seconds to write or select a reason. If you look at this thread, most reasons are very common. As said before, a picklist with such reasons would be preferable. Currently the "drop trade" reason is mandatory.

You guys seem to forget that the person who ask you the trade is trying to be efficient as well. Why is it that the person who asks should waste their time but people who just sit and wait for requests to come in not?

If people get too many requests to respond, maybe the system should put a limit on the amount of requests a person can receive, just like the limit there is on the amount of requests you can make.

Anyway, it seems that people do not care that much about their (potential) trading partners. It's more about quantity then quality. But that is reasonable common in most communities. It's about the amount of trades, amount of posts and that kind of stuff then the quality. And in the mean time we cry about tubes to blogs and blogs to tubes and niche incompatibilities etc... Just hit deny, that's how they learn. They just hit you up with similar idiotic trade requests. Over and over again. I would, how should I know anyway?
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by lauralace »

CodeR70 wrote: Over and over again. I would, how should I know anyway?
A start would be to read my profile, which is staring you in the face, where it states my trading rules. Otherwise it's common sense. If you want me to link to your pr0 with my pr3 you better have some damn awesome recip options or it aint happening.

But anyway I don't even look at some of the trades. I go to the trades requested page where it lists them all, and tick the box on any that don't fit the criteria in my profile. Why would I waste my time re-explaining myself? If they can't be bothered to read my profile that is right in front of them, why would I assume they'll scroll down to read a comment :)

(btw I'm not directing this at you personally as I don't believe we have any trades, just merely commenting on the topic itself)
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by redwhiteandblue »

Yep that is a point, sometimes you can just see a whole list of trades, you get people that request a link from every site in your network to their shitty cam site or whatever, all with the same anchor, am I going to go in and explain each one individually? No, I just tick them all and click "deny". Quite often block them as well.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

In the end, it's about finding good trades and getting rid of the idiots... ;)

I understand about denying the trades of those weird requests (PR3, no PR to get back and such, or those where somebody just asks a link on each and every page you have). Most of the time I block those users.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by Mindoro »

Time is Money

I pay staff for requesting links and building them. Everyday day he spent 2-3 Hours in requesting new links and checking requests from others. Everyday we get several request about high PR sites. Webmaster with three domains asking PR5-7 links. All their Domains are on one C class Ip and don´t have power. Sometimes only free hoster. Mostly we are helping newbies and never check everything but sorry to ask a deny reason is stealing time=money.
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Re: Mandatory reason for trade denied

Post by CodeR70 »

Mindoro wrote:Time is Money

I pay staff for requesting links and building them. Everyday day he spent 2-3 Hours in requesting new links and checking requests from others. Everyday we get several request about high PR sites. Webmaster with three domains asking PR5-7 links. All their Domains are on one C class Ip and don´t have power. Sometimes only free hoster. Mostly we are helping newbies and never check everything but sorry to ask a deny reason is stealing time=money.
But you also pay for the requests. If your staff never get any feedback he's going to waste loads of your money as well.
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