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Do youhave to send your links to others from your frontpage?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:37 pm
by jvgcook
When you link to others , do you have to send the link from your frontpage or can you also send it from a "linkpage?" or doesnt this matter ?

Re: Do youhave to send your links to others from your frontp

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:00 pm
by jdoughs
You can add the homepage, or single pages into the tool and trades can be done with any of them.

If you make a deal with homepage links, then that is where the links must go, if you do so with a page or subdomain then they go there.

Basically wherever you've made a deal to. IF they select the root of the domain that is where you are obligated to add them.