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100 request per day???

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:17 am
by kenhirai
Hi, I get this message saying I cannot no longer request due to 100 requests per day limit? What is that about? What do I bypass this to setup more trades, even on other sites.

Thx alot.

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:19 pm
by CodeR70
Do you make 100 requests a day?

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:48 pm
by Gimped
I am pretty sure they put in that 100 requests a day limit to stop some tards from mass requesting to sites with no relevance with bots and whatnot.

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 9:50 pm
by kenhirai
Hello, I have alot of sites I wanna request trades, around 30, and I wanna request 5 new sites to each of them every day. Basically I am a full time at this. But the 100 request a day I cant go any further.

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:22 pm
by CodeR70
Well, limit it to 3 per site and only do real good trades. All the other "requests" you probably have to do via other ways like forums, searching Google, checking your trade partners, contact people, etc.

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:52 pm
by darksoul
you only have 9 sites available for link backs and all on the same ip.
You shouldn't waste your time asking for 10 links exchanges from each webmaster
because it will rarely happen.

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:38 am
by Socialmedia
It's truly amazing how people will complain about the limits of a "free" service, like its a right and not a privilege to use Linkspun.
The 100 trade requests a day limit as far as John told me is to enforce a spam block from individuals like you and as far as your complaint the block did it's job.
Wait until the paid version comes out, there wont be any limit on that :)

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:56 am
by CodeR70
Socialmedia wrote:Wait until the paid version comes out, there wont be any limit on that :)
Hmm, I was just thinking that there should be a linkspun fee for requests over a certain amount. Like some other services that has such subscription (WebStats, ShrinkTheWeb if I'm not mistaken).

Anyway, is there really going to be a "paid version"? Would not mind to pay some kind of fee to help development and support.

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:13 am
by redwhiteandblue
I hope there is such a limit even in any paid version. I want trade requests from people who have put at least a little bit of thought into each one, not just spammed them because they have a daily quota to fill.

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:57 am
by CodeR70
redwhiteandblue wrote:I hope there is such a limit even in any paid version. I want trade requests from people who have put at least a little bit of thought into each one, not just spammed them because they have a daily quota to fill.
So true.

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:58 am
by Socialmedia
redwhiteandblue wrote:I hope there is such a limit even in any paid version. I want trade requests from people who have put at least a little bit of thought into each one, not just spammed them because they have a daily quota to fill.
Anyone that has requested more than 4 trades all at once i simply put them on block, i have all the pornhub douchebags on block along with anyone that has only sub-domains in their trade list, greedy members that want 4 links back for 1 and most of all spammers like the thread starter. I've slimmed it down eliminating all the time wasters. I get the same amount of work done and in half the time.
Most of the spammers on linkspun and any place else are from India, Pakistan, China..... and are not willing to spend money for a service. So IMO an unlimited "everything" paid version will work.

Re: 100 request per day???

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 6:11 pm
by vrocks
Well, you seem very enthusiastic and I applaud that.

That limit is in place for reasons already discussed.

Try getting 2 more cheap hosting accounts to get more IP's and spread them around those. Realize this is a "process" so it takes time. Don't ask for links from pr3 and 4 because you wont' get them and it is pretty much unfair to think you can.

Don't load hundreds of links and then have none coming in or Google will see this as you possibly buying links or joining a link farm and then stopping.. better to add over time...