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Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:16 pm
by Relentless
When I offer a trade and someone requests a link back that I wont do (like an anchor with the word rape or baby in it etc) Id like to be able to deny the trade but keep it active so they can request a different link back instead of having to redo the whole trade.

Deny = Deny the whole trade and start over
Reject = send back to the other LS member to put in a different link or anchor etc...

Make sense?

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:20 pm
by lauralace
yeah I'd like to see this too.

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:33 pm
by khepra
I agree. Right now, all I can do is put a message in the comment, but I don't know if everyone reads it, esp. when the trade is "denied".

What I've also done sometimes is put a comment but not click "Deny" but just add the comment. That leaves the trade open so the other party can make changes that I request, but again, I don't know if they read them since no email is sent when a comment is added but nothing else done.

A "Reject" or somesuch button would be perfect for this.

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:12 pm
by venril
I'd appreciate this feature as well. Too many traders ask from irrelevant niches, such as asking a link from my mature women site to their gay webcam one and such. This is really annoying.

Would be easier to reject and be able to insert a comment in bold that I only trade with relevant sites, so they can pick another site of mine.

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:51 am
by kapxxx
Sounds indeed like a great feature!

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:59 pm
by onmaso
You just comment the trade and partner sees it and he can change that. You just don't approve until you like it.

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:23 pm
by clickxnet
onmaso wrote:You just comment the trade and partner sees it and he can change that. You just don't approve until you like it.
Yeah but since the messaging system is passive (you get no notices by email if you have a message) I believe many people simply don't pay attention to this area of the site much. I've sent messages with regard to trades and changes and most times they are not answered.

Would be a nice feature to have a Rejection option as well as a full denial.

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:45 pm
by Relentless
If you comment you don't like the link... they have to start a new trade and enter all the information again... they can't just make the change to an anchor text etc and resubmit.

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:40 am
by onmaso
Relentless wrote:If you comment you don't like the link... they have to start a new trade and enter all the information again... they can't just make the change to an anchor text etc and resubmit.
So You're talking about a trade they are requesting. And not You requesting and then they choosing backlinks.

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:45 am
by vrocks
I think it is a double edged sword...

What if I send you a request for 'babes' and then you send yours back and I can still edit mine. I change mine to 'baby killers' and accept yours... now what?

Well, the system has something in place for that. Obviously you are not going to put that up... So that takes care of that. (this reply is Socratic thinking BTW)...

So we should be able to edit them.

Re: Partial Denials Needed (Reject Button Option)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:03 pm
by Relentless
vrocks wrote:I think it is a double edged sword...What if I send you a request for 'babes' and then you send yours back and I can still edit mine. I change mine to 'baby killers' and accept yours... now what?Well, the system has something in place for that. Obviously you are not going to put that up... So that takes care of that. (this reply is Socratic thinking BTW)...So we should be able to edit them.
The easy fix is to keep the system 'turn based'

I cant change anything when it's your 'turn' and you can't change anything when it's my 'turn' :)