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Same IP linking for PR?

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:09 pm
by mcfester
If I have 20 PR2 domains on same IP linking to another domain either on same IP or different IP, would they have same value with regards to gaining PR as 20 domains on different IP's?

Re: Same IP linking for PR?

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:58 am
by Relentless
Different IPs is a big help but ONLY if you host your domains correctly. IPs, Class Cs, Private Registrations... if you do it all correctly it's valuable... if you do part of it wrong it has no value.

Re: Same IP linking for PR?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 1:06 am
by jdoughs
mcfester wrote:If I have 20 PR2 domains on same IP linking to another domain either on same IP or different IP, would they have same value with regards to gaining PR as 20 domains on different IP's?

There isn't really a yes or no answer for this, and not really an answer that can be given without seeing the sites, checking backlinks, content quality etc.

2-3 domains on the same IP may be very strong sites, authoritative sites with unique backlinks from same niched sites. They could be leaders in their niche, and unique on ALL facets (content, backlinks, cms, age, registrar etc) except for the same I.P. and naturally, links from BOTH sites would be more valuble then just 1 link on 1 of them.

There is a lot of variables that can either make these links worthy, or make them worthless. Just like most aspects of SEO and link generation, there is more then just one factor to always consider, no ONE factor will make a difference, its how they interact and work together and fit into the big picture.

The best plan, for me at least, would be to use a service like this one (linkspun) to work a trade strategy with. Instead of linking those 20 said domains to yourself, start developing link trades with them and getting the return links to the site you are looking to bump. You can turn a pr2 site into 15-20 backlinks to your main site a year by using a trade strategy.

Why take 20 sites and link them all up to yourself, when you can turn them into 15-20 links from completely unique domains/hosts/dns/webmasters pointing into your main site instead. That is 300-400 unique backlinks acquired to the site that matters instead of 20 internal network links from the same IP.

Re: Same IP linking for PR?

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 5:08 am
by mcfester
Yep, the 20 or so sites are mainly used for giving links out and in return I get a link to my main sites from other webmasters so I just want to increase the PR on these sites so can offer other webmasters something more than a PR0.
Most of them now are PR0 even though I've got my PR2 and 3's linking to them from same IP, so it looks like same IP domains don't have much value for PR.
Personally I don't give a crap about what PR links to my main sites but many webmasters still regard it as high value so just trying to offer them something more to request links from.
Thanks for the input.

Re: Same IP linking for PR?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:57 pm
by Nickyb
jdoughs wrote:
The best plan, for me at least, would be to use a service like this one (linkspun) to work a trade strategy with. Instead of linking those 20 said domains to yourself, start developing link trades with them and getting the return links to the site you are looking to bump. You can turn a pr2 site into 15-20 backlinks to your main site a year by using a trade strategy.

Why take 20 sites and link them all up to yourself, when you can turn them into 15-20 links from completely unique domains/hosts/dns/webmasters pointing into your main site instead. That is 300-400 unique backlinks acquired to the site that matters instead of 20 internal network links from the same IP.
This is what I'm working on with a new 40 blog project of mine. Will add those to linkspun soon.

Re: Same IP linking for PR?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 10:12 am
by melontrades
When I do trades one thing I look for is to be sure I'm not getting a ton of trades from the same c-class. Just like you wouldnt link your 20 domains together I wouldnt want 20 links from the same c-class. but there are a lot of factors.

Re: Same IP linking for PR?

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:18 pm
by DaCaptain
You know...the issue of different ip's and class c's came about with people building networks of sites for the purpose of artificially inflating their votes (backlinks). Google uses backlinks (it is the most important factor, by far) in determining where a page is ranked for a keyword phrase, or multiple keyword phrases.

Google's theory is that relevant sites will organically generate backlinks, meaning that relevant site owners will be so enthusiastic with their sites that they will tell everyone, on boards, social networking, etc. Once folks find out about this awesome site they will link to it because it's just so great. When this happens these fine folks are actually "voting" for that site by linking to it. When lots of folks vote for a site, google gives that site a high ranking in the serps.

Now understand, if lots of folks from all over the internet link to a site, then naturally these links will come from lots of different ip's, class c's, class b's, class a's. The issue comes about when Dirk Dastardly tries to game google by creating a network of sites for the purpose of controlling backlinks to get a site that they want to the top of the serps, instead of letting the market (i.e. internet) take care of it organically.

I have had two sites (it was an accident, my host put them on the same ip and I didn't catch it for quite a while) on the exact same i.p. do well with google. I'm talking over 100,000 unique visitors per day from google, great Alexa ratings, high pr, you name it, they had it. These sites had mostly different backlinks pointing to them that were generated over 10 years of accumulating links. As I mentioned, when I found out that they were on the same i.p. I had my host fix that.

The moral of the story is that it is very hard to game google. If you build a network of sites, they will know. The are good at finding similarities. I'm not saying they will penalize you, or hinder your rankings in any way, but they'll know. It's what they do.

All that said, if you want to get a site up high in the serps deliver what you promise, and get as many backlinks as you can to the site. If some come from a similar block of ip's, it's not that big of a deal if that is just a small part of your backlinks. If it's the majority of your backlinks, it's probably not going to help you anyway.