Selling internet porn

This section has now been modified! You can now sell domains in addition to websites here. This section is not for selling services!

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Selling internet porn

Post by scooterthman »

Okay, pork belly prices have been dropping all morning, which means that everybody is waiting for it to hit rock bottom, so they can buy low. Which means that the people who own the pork belly contracts are saying, "Hey, we're losing all our damn money, and Christmas is around the corner, and I ain't gonna have no money to buy my son the G.I. Joe with the Kung-Fu grip! And my wife ain't gonna fuck. My wife ain't gonna make love to me if I got no money!" So they're panicking right now, they're screaming "SELL! SELL!" to get out before the price keeps dropping. They're panicking out there right now, I can feel it.” Ok this is a quote from really funny movie. You might remember “Trading Places.”
I use this metaphor to describe what it’s like for us the web master. In the USA we’re facing hard road ahead when it comes the economics. Everyone is scared to buy anything. Just check out
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Re: Selling internet porn

Post by olexisomar »

The link doesn 't work it says the account has been disabled!!
Olexis Omar
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Re: Selling internet porn

Post by carolh »

Would you pay to see porn?
My answer is NO, because i will also see porn in free site...
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Re: Selling internet porn

Post by vrocks »

Depends on how good the content is.
Did I just do something for you? Consider making a donation to LinkSpun!
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Re: Selling internet porn

Post by fetishbank »

I agree with vrock... and porn industry is also related services. When I was single I had been a customer of adult dating services for years. Happy customer, well spent money, have to say.
Jay de Vos, Webmaster of
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