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Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:18 pm
by artichoke86
I have 11 link errors, and I've written multiple times to the link traders, and they are not responding. I need to cancel all 11 trades and not because I'm leaving. I no longer use sexualeroticastories and need to stop all connections to that site. A competitor is using that site and my old links, and I do not like that.

Please help as soon as you can.

Thank you,



Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:48 am
by vrocks
I had several sites taken from me by trademark owners or I stopped using the site because the sponsor stopped paying me for whatever reason...

In those cases I let everyone know the situation. Remove their link and then they can figure it out on their time...

Some that I informed back in May still have my links up... God bless them!