E-mails not coming through

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E-mails not coming through

Post by foxydrop »

Hi Guys,

I don't know if it's a setting on my server that has gone haywire, or the reorganization of my inbox, but i have not had any trade request e-mails since 29th September come through to my inbox. Although they have been appearing on linkspun and I have not changed my settings within linkspun

Has this been happening to others as well or am I the only person with this issue

Many Thanks

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Re: E-mails not coming through

Post by Bilinda »

Same here. Not been getting emails for a week or so, but everything shows fine in my account. Sounds like a glitch somewhere.
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Re: E-mails not coming through

Post by dennyn »

Yep, yep, same here.
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Re: E-mails not coming through

Post by Alexus »

Same problem :twisted:
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Re: E-mails not coming through

Post by foxydrop »

Glad it's not just me guys, although I'm not sure what would stop an e-mail server from sending unless it has failed and needed rebooting
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Re: E-mails not coming through

Post by unclebastard »

Having the same problem.
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Re: E-mails not coming through

Post by drocd »

Amerinoc notified me that they fixed this problem. Can someone confirm?
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Re: E-mails not coming through

Post by deejay »

All is well now. E-mails stopped coming through for 3 - 4 days, but I've been receiving them since midway through last week.
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Re: E-mails not coming through

Post by drocd »

Thanks. Locking thread.
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