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Small bug when requesting a trade with a message....

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:52 pm
by fetishbank
Suppose I've located I trade I like using the "Find Trade" interface.

Now suppose I press "Request Trade" and in the following windows I specify anchor, links and add a comment, something like "hello. let me know if any problem"

After I press "Request Trade" to confirm it, a message will appear in my inbox (and this is correct) but the message is tagged "unread" while in my opinion it should not as it is my own message just sent...

Re: Small bug when requesting a trade with a message....

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:19 am
by vrocks
Hmm... I think this is because the request script and the view trade script handle messages differently... Will put it on "the list".