general questions

Run of the mill webmastery, if you've got questions, concerns, a vent that needs to be let off, feel free to post about it in here.

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Joined: Sun May 06, 2012 9:22 pm

general questions

Post by vbswebmaster »


is this link trade community for blogs only, or are TGPs allowed?

I run a TGP

what trade script is recommended? i am considering Script Pulse.


take care
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:20 pm

Re: general questions

Post by luxv66 »

There's no particular rule. Individual webmasters will have their own rules so just read people's profiles. If you actually read people's trade rules you'll be doing better than half the knuckleheads on here :P

Generally though people prefer to trade with the same type of site so blog>blog tgp>tgp tube>tube etc.
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