A Newbie Question

Looking to push links to a site and want specific niches, site types, numbers, tld's etc, this is a good place to ask or look.

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A Newbie Question

Post by onmarz »

Hi Linkspunsters
Just introducing myself and my brand new site, http://cookingwithporn.com.

I just joined up and already have a question.
Where am I suppose to enter my URL to add to the system?
Anyways, my site is a bit different. I thought I'd combine porn with recipes and cooking. I offer over 50,000 recipes, food articles and, of course, porn.

I'll be putting links at the bottom of the homepage, just above the footer.

Cheers - [email protected]
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Re: A Newbie Question

Post by blogstargirl »

Welcome to Linkspun! To add your pages...

Click on Manage Pages in the top menu of the dashboard page

Scroll down to the bottom of the page

You will see a box that is captioned: Page List

List your website and webpages in the box, one URL
per line. You should decide if you are using the www
or the non www domains before you add. When you add
the domains, click on the box on the right and
choose a category. If you want to choose more than
one category, choose one category to get the domains listed, then go back and add additional categories per page by using the radio button: Add Category
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Joined: Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:53 pm

Re: A Newbie Question

Post by onmarz »

Thanks for the info.
A big "Cheers" to you :)
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