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My dropped trades - my apologies and explanation

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:07 pm
by abbon99
Hello fellow webmasters,
I would like to apologize all that were affected by my stopped trades. I owe you an explanation.

Last year, around february 2012, I hired a shitty SEO comapny called XSEO (they seem to operate under a new name on GFY "blogger2"). They built tons of links to my sites, unfotunately most of them were from link farm operates using linkex script.

Other links were built on linkspun, but from unrelated sites and often giving out PR2 links in exchange for a free host subdomain link.

Once I started clearing up the links and using google link disavow tool where needed, I saw a dramatic increase in the SERP rankings.
I went through all the trades made in the timeframe, the SEO company was operating in my name nad had to do purge a lot of the trades. I am sorry for that, but I am sure you understand I had to do it.
I hope it will not affect our partnership, as I am always looking for high quality, relevant link trades!

Re: My dropped trades - my apologies and explanation

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:40 am
by vrocks
Glad you fixed your network. Sorry I let them advertise here.