Looks like out 'frozen' feature is working fine.

Run of the mill webmastery, if you've got questions, concerns, a vent that needs to be let off, feel free to post about it in here.

Moderators: vrocks, drocd, jdoughs

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Looks like out 'frozen' feature is working fine.

Post by jdoughs »

Just got back from a 36 hr absence, I responded to about 90 requests on Sunday morning, and then left for a trip to my mothers with the family for Thanksgiving dinner.

Anyways, apparently even myself on my admin account is "Not above the law".


I'm happy, it's working and not allowing anyone to get 'to far behind' and even though I've only been away since yesterday morning, I shouldn't be able to do shit until I get those links live.
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Re: Looks like out 'frozen' feature is working fine.

Post by Relentless »

Locked out of your own site... and on thanksgiving no less. lol :lol:
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