New Here. Posted in Wrong Forum

Run of the mill webmastery, if you've got questions, concerns, a vent that needs to be let off, feel free to post about it in here.

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Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:31 pm

New Here. Posted in Wrong Forum

Post by chronic »

I posted in other trade forum. I should have posted here. Board webmaster please delete other post?

Whats goin on everyone. I am new to the hard link building community, but not new to the industry. I have about 4 main blogs that link to my network of sites we have. All 100% original niche. I have been doing ok so far since I joined with the link trading, I realize with minimal page ranks people dont even give a 2nd look. For all of you that traded with me...thanks alot!

My question is should I be putting alot of secondary pages from the blogs and sites as landing pages for my reciprocal links? Or should I just hardlink from blog to blog, and others link from their blog to my site? If anybody has any good pointers. I would greatly appreciate it.

I feel like I almost have this here Just need a nod in the right direction a little bit!

Thank guys,

Perverted Chaos - Belly Fetish, Autoerotic Asphyxiation, Forced Orgasm, Tickling and More!
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