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I want to whine as well...

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:00 pm
by spunar
Am I the only one turning down tons of linktrades because the requester only have sites with 0-20 ingoing links? In my eyes links from these sites are worthless.

I understand if you're new and need to get your sites up and going, but when you have 200+ sites with 0 ingoing links and want a link to your moneysite, it just seems wrong imo.

What are you others guys take on this?

Re: I want to whine as well...

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:28 pm
by ManPuppy
I'm much less likely to request a trade on a page with 150 outbound links and PR0. They're muddying the water too fast.

I can always assume lower links mean the webmaster is selective or the site is new/freshly renovated.

Re: I want to whine as well...

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:08 am
by spunar
I think you miss my point :-)

I'm talking about ingoing links / linkjuice. AFAIK a link isn't worth much if the site have zero ingoing links (from other sites) building it's reputation.

Re: I want to whine as well...

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:18 pm
by olexisomar
I think you mean incoming links or backlinks, and I donĀ“t think you are the only one that look for it but it is also important the outgoing links and that was what manpuppy explain you before.

Re: I want to whine as well...

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:03 pm
by kinkybrian
I totally agree. 100 PR 0 sites with 1 or 2 backlinks, and they're all more than a year old, what's the point of that, and why would I ever want a link from a site like that?

Re: I want to whine as well...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:08 am
by vrocks
Yeah... that and the guy wants to give PR0 links back from 5 sites on the same IP...

Re: I want to whine as well...

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:37 am
by spunar
It's a combination of course. Backlinks are important, as well as not too many outgoing links.

What really pisses me off though, is when people have these 100-200 sites, with no backlinks, and only gives a shit about their moneysite. It's just empty shells they are trying to scam us into, so they can get a link to their moneysite from one of our sites with real backlinks.

I wonder how many "backlinks empty" sites have been created because of Linkspun the last year?